Is it me, or has the 'Quote Button' dissapeared from the forums? I cannot remember now if there was one, but all the other Forums I am a member of have a 'quote button' in the top right hand corner of a posting and now I cannot see one on the HT boards.
As far as I know it is still on all the forums.
Fiona HT Mod wrote:As far as I know it is still on all the forums
Oh dear, it is not on mine. I have just quoted you by highlighting your statement and copying and pasting and adding your name in, I was unable to click on the quote button on your post as it is not there

I've also just noticed that the Edit Button on the Costa Blanca Forums has been re enabled, but I did not notive the Quote Button dissappear.
It is not a major problem as obviously if I want to quote I can simply do as I have done here, but if I want to quote an entire post, say a long one, I will have to do it the long way by highlighting the entire text etc.
I've just logged out of HT on BT Yahoo and back in again on Firefox and still no quote button, so i doubt it is a browser problem?
Clearly it must still be there as you have quoted me Fiona, but I seem to have lost it, unless a member of the Mod or Admin team has disabled me from being able to use it?

There is and never has been a "quote" button.
Mark HT Mod wrote:There is and never has been a "quote" button
That would explain why I cannot see one now then!!!

Just as a matter of interest, is there any reason why HT do not have the 'Quote' button facility?
Please feel free now to lock this thread as you have clearly answered my question.
Many Thanks.
When you post a reply the quote button is along the top.
From memory, this was discussed just after the forum was transferred from Ezboard to here and Van explained that it was removed due to it taking up too much space in the database.
God I must be getting old, or a bit senile as I keep getting things wrong lately. Only the other day when I picked up my car from its MOT, I could not get it into reverse. When I called the mechanic over he said was I lifting up the little lever under the gear I was not, and I have been driving this car for four years now!!

Anyway, sorry to have troubled you....and thanks for explantion.

There was a Quote button on the main page when we first started using this site, but members were clicking on it in error and quoting where they meant to reply, so it was removed.
Briar HT Mod wrote:well I am totally confused now as I have one, you must have one BHIC as you have used it in a post within this topic
Ok, let me try to explain as best I can.
At present, if we want to quote another members post, we highlight all of the text in their post, 'copy' it and then 'paste' it into our reply box, yes? Like I have done above basically, but only above I have included the posters user name.
And then once we have pasted the quote into our reply box, we highlight it once again and click on the quote button, which is the fourth button on the top bar....yes? Are you with me so far?
Well on other Forums that I am a member of who use the pphb??? format, there is no need to do all that highlighting, copying and pasting, there a a 'quote' button contained with the posters post and you simply click that button and the entire post is then dispayed in your reply box saving you a lot of copying, pasting and highlighting etc.
I was sure HT had such a button, but apparantley not as Mark has explained it a bit further up. And has Luci has now clarified for us.
Yes, there IS a quote button at the top of your reply box, the fourth button along, but there is no quote button within the Poster's actual post itself.
Did you understand all that?

Loud and clear. But did you understand my post above which states that we did have this facility, but removed it due to abuse by members?
Luci HT Mod wrote:Loud and clear. But did you understand my post above which states that we did have this facility, but removed it due to abuse by members?
Hi Luci. Yes I did get that bit. And I understood what you were saying, which is why I said:-
Because you expanded on Marks reply.BHIC wrote:And has Luci has now clarified for us
Glad to hear this is now sorted. I will now lock the topic.

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