We had booked what we thought was a private,direct transfer our transfer voucher actually states "1 direct transfer for 4 people" anyway when we got to fuerteventura we were ushered onto a minbus where 3 other groups of people were already on board,we just assumed they were going to the same hotel as us which would have been fair enough...WRONG we had to make 3 stops before we got to our hotel this to my mind is not a "direct transfer"
we decided not to make a big deal of it - we had got to our hotel safely that was the main thing...BUT... the worst was yet to come..
On the departure day - wednesday 28th june- they failed to pick us up at all!!!!

we had a fax from them the previous day stating pick up time was to be 7.20am but to be waiting in reception from 10 mins before pick up time.
We were in reception from 7.00am onwards when there was still no sign of them by 7.40am were getting abit desperate (our flight check in was supposed to be closing at 8.00am) so when a rival transfer company bus turned up my husband offered them cash to let us on which they did and they then took us to the airport.
I will be making a formal complaint to them but i thought everyone on here should hear our story too!!
I must also add the only contact number we had for them was only answered between 9.00 am - 5.00 am so it was useless to us at 7.30am!! in case you are all wondering "why did'nt they just ring them!"