As people are returning from holiday, particularly those who went before the new security measures were put in place. I thought it might help if people could post how they found things at the resort airport. Hand luggage, duty free, things they could or could not bring. This might help those coming back who are in touch with relatives here in the UK
We returned home on Saturday from Palma.
In previous years once checked in we have gone upstairs and have been able to walk freely around shops, cafes before heading thru' to security and departure gates.
We were told there were no restrictions on hand luggage from Palma other than that toiletries and bottled drinks were not allowed.
This year as we went upstairs and the area has been 'fenced' off and the only way to access shops & cafes is to go thru' security first which is at the far right hand side of the terminal. To be honest it's something I'm surprised they didn't do before - much more sensible.
All bottles were being removed from hand luggage prior to being x-rayed and dumped in bin bags. Tables with clear plastic trays were available to put things like belt, watches, coinage etc and then you had to go thru' detector whilst trays & bags went thru' x-ray machine.
I beeped going thru' and had to go back thru' detector take my sandals off and put them thru' the x-ray machine and walk back thru' again - thankfully no beep this time.
Once thru' secturity it was as normal - shops and thru' to departure gates.
No excuse for bumping this except it may be of help for anyone who is returning and not fully in the picture on what is happening.
London Gatwick - 10th August 2006.
Arrived at airport by taxi at around 3.30pm for a flight SCHEDULED to take off at 6.25pm. Walked through terminal towards check - in. Massive, snaking queue for check in with several flights being checked in on one desk. 4 desks open in total. Got out of check - in around 2 1/2 hours later and onto security.
NOTE: Everything had to be packed into suitcases and no hand luggage whatsoever. Plastic see through bags were being produced all the while with only keys, medication and wallets being permitted.
There were NO queues for security AT ALL!! We showed our boarding passes and were ordered to remove shoes and they went through X - ray, plastic bags went through X - ray. Walked through archway metal detector, frisked TWICE on the other side. Collected shoes and hand luggage and proceeded into departure lounge.
By this time we were meant to have taken off already, and we were given gate number at around 9pm (3 hours late!). At the gate, again, BAA security decided to target our flight and bodysearched everyone and ordered the bags to be emptied immediately and everything searched again.
Finally took off 3 hours late at around 9.35pm.
Dalaman, Turkey - 21st August 2006.
Transfer coach picked us up early in morning and got to Dalaman around 3 hours prior to take off. Check - in just opening all went smoothly.
Before entery to terminal was allowed everything had to go through X - ray and archway metal detector (no handsearch like Gatwick).
Towards departure lounge, no security checks.
All very efficient. Then when boarding began, walked to gate to be faced with a second search with X -ray and archway detector.
Again very efficient and plane took off on time and smooth operation all round.
Whilst on holiday found it shocking to read about 2 security breaches at Gatwick, these being a 12 year old boy getting all the way from airport entrance to actually sitting inside an aircraft without any travel documents at all.
And then a passenger (separate case) forgetting his wallet and smashing an ALARMED entery system and getting access to a gate and getting on board an aircraft that wasn't even the same airline he had arrived on!!??
Departed Santorini airport Thurs 17th August (exactly 7 days after the crisis began. No probs at Santorini airport - all hand luggage carried as normal including liquids (we had bottled water). Suitcases went through normal scanning procedure on entry to airport. Departed on time.
A colleague came back from Palma last weekend, another from Tenerife and my Sister in Law from Valencia - no probs with hand lugagge or security for any of them.
Flew back from Varna to Gatwick yesterday morning. We had removed all liquids etc as per BA website - from our hand luggage, this was x-rayed but not checked closely, I had deliberately left a lip gloss in my small bag and was not asked to remove it! Some people were taking through what I would term large pieces of hand luggage at Varna and were not stopped. No problems at Gatwick, although we did notice some people in the adjacent queue being questioned for quite a long time in comparison to others. My daughter flew back on Monday night from Malaga and said there were no checks whatsoever on hand luggage there either.
Hurghada last Thursday evening (17th) - the week after the new handbaggage restrictions came into force.
Hubby (in the UK) had telephoned GB Airways that morning (as we couldn't contact them in Egypt) to ask what restrictions were in force. They checked whilst on the phone and came back to say no restrictions. I still dithered about my laptop. mobile and large camera kit but decided to leave a hole in the suitcase and bubble wrap ready, just in case.
In the end there was no problem with any of these items
(although laptop was x-rayed twice on the same scanner) or with water bottles which we had brought for the journey and the inevitable hurghada queues to get into the check-in area (it was around 35degrees!!). HOWEVER anyone who had any items of cosmetics in handbaggage(including lipstick, moisturiser etc) was having to remove these and discard or place in hold baggage.
Some slight changes to Hurghada departure areas from our last trip in April 2006 (not sure when they came into force exactly) - the revised routine is;
1/ through scanners with ALL luggage before entry to check in area (took almost 20 minutes)
2/ check in (deal with cosmetics!!), get bag tags and boarding cards (took about 25 mins)
3/ complete departure forms given to you at check-in (keep a pen and your passport handy for this)
4/ Through immigration (usually queues here - takes approx 10-15mins)
5/ Passport inspected by another official (never have been sure why exactly!)
6/ Handbaggage & person through another scanner, boarding cards inspected.
7/ Into departure lounge for bazaar, restaurant and duty free
8/ Called to specific gate number for boarding, get on bus for all of 100yards to aircraft (passport and boarding card needed)
For previous travellers to Hurghada the changes are primarily that item 6 is now BEFORE item 7 (far more sensible as there was always a panic trying to get through the queue to the scanner with your flight on last call - there are also considerably more scanners at this area than previously.
The kids play area at the top of the departure gate area has been removed)
Incidentally I was delighted that the laptop in particular hadn't had to be packed as my bag appears to have been dropped from a great height at some point on that trip.
Have had the suitcase replaced by BA (delivered to my door on Tuesday having reported the damage at Gatwick early hours of Friday morning!) - seeing how the shell of my not-inexpensive case shattered I fear that bubble wrap would not have saved my laptop screen had it been inside!!!
We fflew back from Hubby (in the UK) had telephoned GB Airways that morning (as we couldn't contact them in Egypt) to ask what restrictions were in force. They checked whilst on the phone and came back to say no restrictions. I still dithered about my laptop. mobile and large camera kit but decided to leave a hole in the suitcase and bubble wrap ready, just in case.
In the end there was no problem with any of these items

Some slight changes to Hurghada departure areas from our last trip in April 2006 (not sure when they came into force exactly) - the revised routine is;
1/ through scanners with ALL luggage before entry to check in area (took almost 20 minutes)
2/ check in (deal with cosmetics!!), get bag tags and boarding cards (took about 25 mins)
3/ complete departure forms given to you at check-in (keep a pen and your passport handy for this)
4/ Through immigration (usually queues here - takes approx 10-15mins)
5/ Passport inspected by another official (never have been sure why exactly!)
6/ Handbaggage & person through another scanner, boarding cards inspected.
7/ Into departure lounge for bazaar, restaurant and duty free
8/ Called to specific gate number for boarding, get on bus for all of 100yards to aircraft (passport and boarding card needed)
For previous travellers to Hurghada the changes are primarily that item 6 is now BEFORE item 7 (far more sensible as there was always a panic trying to get through the queue to the scanner with your flight on last call - there are also considerably more scanners at this area than previously.
The kids play area at the top of the departure gate area has been removed)
Incidentally I was delighted that the laptop in particular hadn't had to be packed as my bag appears to have been dropped from a great height at some point on that trip.

Whilst on holiday found it shocking to read about 2 security breaches at Gatwick, these being a 12 year old boy getting all the way from airport entrance to actually sitting inside an aircraft without any travel documents at all.
This is not entirely true. The boy was able to pass through the airport with out being checked, however he was questioned and stopped by the cabin crew from boarding the aircraft when he arrived at the aircraft door. They asked to check his boarding card, and this is when the alarm was raised.
He was scathing at the way the first emergency was handled. Whilst he can understand the reason for additional checks/security and is fully supportive, he is, like me, unable to understand why no proper contingency plans were in place.
Flying back from there yesterday, he tells me the security at Acerife was no where near that in the UK They had taken bottles of water with them and were allowed to walk through security without any challenge.
No problems with what they had in hand luggage.
His concern is that any attack is more likely to come from transit passengers rather than those on a charter.
I wouldnt worry too much about transit passengers fwh ALL are rescreened in UK airports.
Hand baggage restrictions slightly relaxed when we flew out to the USA that day. Small lap top size bags permitted measuring max 45cm x 35xm x 16cm.
Long queues to get through central search area, but queues moved fairly quickly and whole process took only about 10 minutes longer than I recall previously.
Staff walked up and down lines explaining what could not be taken through. All seemed very clear. Did smile at the family in front of us in the queue that was told what they couldn't take through security (any liquids), then one of the party popped off to WH Smiths, returning with five bottles of Diet Coke. Family then argued with the same staff member walking the queues when she again told them that liquids were not permitted and asked them to either dispose of their drinks or step out of line and comsume them before going through security. The family could not accept that Diet Coke was a liquid?
We were on a US bound flight so knew that we could not buy liquids or cosmetics airside as we would be subject to another secondary bag search at the gate before boarding. We were also told to obtain and keep receipts for any "dry goods" (newspapers, books, cigarettes etc) that we bought in duty free. We diligently did this but found the secondary bag search at the gate only to infact be a random one and our luggage was not checked again. We were hoever asked additional questions at the gate about whether we had bought any liquids - but simply said no and were allowed to board.
Notices at check-in and airport announcements explained that no liquids or cosmetics were permitted through security for any departing flights.
Security queues no longer than normal.
Secondary bag search at the gate before boarding and visable police presents. Liquids and cosmetics being removed by security staff from those passengers that had not heeded the warnings and had either taken them through the first security search, or bought the goods airside.
In both cases we expected the worse and long delays and lines. It really was not that bad. Would however question whether a lip stick really does constitute a dangerious weapon?
...oh yes - as another side story. The girls behind us in the security line at Gatwick were off on a hen weekend somewhere (they all wore matching t-shirts telling the world of this). One of the girls in the group looked like she had taken the "no make-up in hand luggage" rule seriously. She had applied so much make up to her face (forget the trowel - imagine a spade!) that either she decided to use up all the make-up that she brought to the airport, or decided to apply it all at the same time rather than waste time applying it daily.
Mytravel flight to Mahon sat 19th. 6.45am depart, 3.40 arrive to check in, the queue was right back to arrivals and was mixed with mahon and fuerteventura. No desk open.
We actually checked in at 5.15am!!!!

Then we had to go to security, I had my lipstick taken away, but people infront were allowed chapstick!!!!
Security ok, it kept moving, and we all had to take our shoes off.
We had a very very quick coffee, then called to gate at 6am!!!
On the way back, 11.05am flight, arrive at mahon at 9am joined the back of a queue, NO RESTRICTIONS, very quick coffee and shop, then had to board at 10.20am!!!!
What a difference.
Went straight to security, all had to remove shoes and I got thru, my friend was checked as she had left her phone in her jacket by mistake. Lady behind me got pulled over as her bag had perfume, lipstick, toothpaste and a fluid lighter in

I had taken a small bag as hand luggage with phone, camera in also food as I knew i needed to do this as im vegan. That seemed all ok. I brought water once thru security.
Our flights were via Germany, went thru passport control and were able to look round the shops and get a drink as we had 1 1/2 hour stop over. Just passport control in Prague.
Our return journey was very smooth. I had brought some local foods and my case was full so I asked if i could check in a drawstring backpack as a 2nd item of hold luggage. The lady said its not really secure enough you can take it as hand baggage meaning i had 2 items of hand baggage. This was not a problem at security, we left shoes on, and were allowed to take liquids and toilitries thru (we had packed all these in our case in case of problems) easier to buy once thru security.
Passport control was quick in England, my friend got stopped as she was in the EU que and is American.
I was amazed how much hand luggage people had in Prague and Germany - one man had small case, laptop, and 3 other bags!!! Some late comers brought all their hold baggage to the plane and put it in the hold themselves

Debbq. Just had to tell you that your previous post made me laugh. I'm a "people watcher" also and you do get some fun. Don't suppose she who shovelled on the make-up would laugh at your observations though.
I am an aquarian and we are people watchers!!! I could watch all day, peoples mannerisms etc.
Dublin Airport this evening. No restrictions on content of hand luggage. Shoes/belts had to removed and absolutely nothing in your pockets at security.
Not too sure whether this is the norm or additional security as it was reported that a gun was found in a piece of hand luggage at Dublin Airport last Sunday
Returned from Not too sure whether this is the norm or additional security as it was reported that a gun was found in a piece of hand luggage at Dublin Airport last Sunday


The man involved in yesterday's incident with the deactivated handgun has now been released, and a report sent to the DPP.

did not have a boarding pass but was allowed through security even detector didnt even pick up my loose change in my pocket or my belt buckle.
nor did i have to take my shoes off or was searched what is the point if only the "uk" and one or two other countrys carry out the security measures.

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