If you read the thread David posted you'll read of my recent hassles. According to the air transport users council, if its not showed up after 21 days it gets treated as lost not delayed. My case appeared on the 22nd day, I'v sent copies of reciepts into fly globespan for my essential purchases and ofcourse I'm still waiting on a reply.

I'm giving them till 7th Sept then I'll really start hassling them. The air transport user council have a good help line, and if Globespan still refuse to cough up they'll deal with them on my behalf.
Hi Karen ... I appreciate that you are referring to a claim for compensation for expenses incurred during the period of temporary loss, but perhaps you may know the answer to this following your recent experiences. After 21 days, delayed baggage is reclassified as lost baggage. But isn't it 90 days before it is considered permanently lost, and any claim may be settled for total loss ?
Hi david, the 90 day thing seems familiar to me, but cant find any ref to it. BBc website's saying its officially declared lost after 21 days
(click on question number 7)
In all cases, a bag is not considered lost until a minimum of 3 weeks has elapsed.

Some will settle claims in less than 90 days, but on the understanding that any settlement should be returned in exchange for the baggage, if it is traced and safely reunited with its owner at some later point during the 90 day period.

Thanks everyone - especially David - for your help. I'm still waiting .....
If the carrier admits the loss of the checked baggage, or if the checked baggage has not arrived at the expiration of twenty-one days after the date on which it ought to have arrived, the passenger is entitled to enforce against the carrier the rights which flow from the contract of carriage.
Crown Copyright acknowledged.
So it appears that you may claim after 21 days.
I'm not a lawyer but the above statement appears pretty clear to me.

Thanks Mark

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