can any 1 tell me the name of any boats that stop in turunc on the lazy days trip.. we always use the same boat ,,best in my opinion but im getting sick of stopping at the place it stops ,,theres nothing there .just water sports and a bar ..
*Edit please do not use phone text thanks Briar
Hi the mega diana stopped in Turunc this year, we went on it twice the first time it stopped on the beach you mentioned but the second time it did stop in Turunc. If you ask when you book if it is to stop in Turunc then you can book for the day that it stops there.
Depending on where you are staying, most will take you out for the day somewhere different if you ask, we had a great day out last year with the owners of the Tolan apart,£8, we headed for the country side, stopped off at a loverly village with one of the oldest trees in Tukey and a nice mosque which we were able to visit.
Then off again, the next stop was for breakfast at an out of the way family cafe, beautiful views, nice people.
Then on to Akyaka beach, spent a few hours there, we were able to buy the gorgeous bread there, watched it being made,headed back via a waterfall, had great fun, absolutly gorgeous sceenery all the way,every one agreed, one of the best days out they had.
So just ask around you never know where you may end up.

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