We are doing our first visit to Turkey and going to Olu Deniz at the Karbel on BB so plan to eat out every day/night. I have been doing lots of reading of various reviews and threads from you kind people.
This is probably a silly question but there seems to be quite a lot of comments about prices of eating out/drinks etc. We have never been to Turkey so cannot compare Olu to any other Turkish resort. Somethings I have read have said that it is very expensive and has risen over the past few years others are saying it is reasonable to some saying its cheap and some people are saying the prices are similar to at home (I work in London and live in Essex) so even here prices vary from bar to bar, restaurant to restaurant etc.
Sooooo was just wondering if I need to take quite a lot of spending if it is the same kind of price as Cyprus or quite reasonable like Tenerife/Greece. Just hoping Olu is not like London which really is a rip off!
Looking forward to some nice local traditional eating places and a few drinks and a nice Lazy by the pool!

I know this may be like a can of worms!