Ive posted earlier about holiday for next year
We allways go A/I which ive had a real good price for on a DIY
We have already got our flight's booked with Excel
Any one know off any S/C apartments what will sleep 6 off us this includes 3 small kiddies

Or a Hotel? got a price for Armar but thats A/I and we have already stayed there this year

Never done S/C so it will be a expericence i think

My hubby not so sure he says stick to what we know
We are taking our 3 young grand kids with us also my 17yr daughter (not her kiddies may i add)

We would like to have a apartment with a big pool area
We have read the reviews on Candan and quite fancy that one but do want to shop about first before we decide
Any help will be gratefull
Marion x Family x