Flight out from Stansted to Monastir on 1st October was on time and no problems, though the queues at Stansted were fairly long. Not a lot of leg room but OK for under 3 hours. On checking in I was asked where I wanted to sit and opted for the rear of the plane as it is quicker to get off and get through immigration control. I hadn't booked a meal but got one anyway which wasn't brilliant but eatable.
Coming back on 15th there was over an hour's delay at Monastir as there was a problem with the aircraft and we were given an Air Italia plane, complete with their staff, which had just arrived from Milan. It was rather more comfortable, with more leg room. The food had been transferred from the Nouvelair flight and was some of the best I've ever had on a plane - nice egg, pasta and salad starter, 2 pieces of chicken, potatoes and spinnach in a lovely sauce and a beautiful light chocolatey desert, with soft drinks and tea or coffee replenished as required. It must have been galling for those who had paid extra for their meal as I guess most of us got it for free.

I will certainly have no hesitation in using Nouvelair again as the convenience of flying from my local airport outweighs all other considerations.