Further to what I said previously, not everyone dancing on a table is after sleeping with as many folks as they can - adult or teen. I personally do have standards of behaviour that I'm not prepared to watch or be part of. But that's why I don't go to the sort of holiday resorts I used to go to when I was younger. The bigger the resort, the more the liklihood of people behaving uncharacteristically and letting their hair down just a bit too much whilst away from home. Just a part of the reason why resorts like Marmaris and so on are not for me.
I understand completely though that there is a difference between family resorts like Marmaris and Icmeler and your Falirakis and Kavos, but then they were family resorts at one point too.
type of dancing. In my time, I too, have danced on tables but not in a way that looks as if I want to be a lap dancer or pole dancer!
I'm all for the freedom to express yourself through dance and I don't expect todays young things to dance round their handbags, as in my day. waiting for the guys to drag themselves away from the bar for the last "slowie," and to walk you home with a goodnight kiss - if they were lucky.
But I think they emulate the females that make pop videos - like The Pussycat Dolls, Christine Aguilera and others dancing in a very provocative manner. and think it's ok. I don't feel that it is ok in a public place, it gives the guys the wrong idea.
It isn't just the dancing on tables it's the 

To be honest my wife and I choose smaller, quieter places and tend not to use bars that are obviously geared up for " Brits on tour".
For anyone who seeks pleasant evenings without this "entertainment" I can recommend Bitez.
just a thought before we all think icmeler is a den of iniquity,sometimes the girls are just mimicking the bar lads including the rude gestures in some of there songs ,i know my daughter does along with her friend andat the end of the night they come home with us and we never let them out of our sight when in bars ,my daughter is 15 and only may try dancing on the bar in 1 bar/restaraunt.1 weve used for a few years where all the bar staff and owner know her and respect her ,and believe me any new staff are told and warned on any advances,our friend the owner with whom we have stayed with on holiday always asks me (any problem)and believe me if his staff did become a problem they wouldnt be working there the next night,my final note is and it has been discussed on this forum before is the way girls dress,some members pointed out how they were dressed ,what right does that give any 1 to think they are asking for it ,so a girl /women dressed in skimpy clothes means she is sending out the wrong signals,get a life ,no man or boy has the right to think that the way she dresses is a sign saying shes up for it,did they tar every 1 with same brush in the 60s,i think not ,next women will not be able to wear bikinis(perish the thought)as it gives out wrong vibes
shall we all go back to the olderdays and cover ourselves up, im sorry but after having a child i think my body is pretty impressive and i too wanna go out in skimpy things- does that mean i wanna sleep around!
People should be able to wear what they want and frankly to some extrent act how they want.
With regards to the british comment, thats very stereotypical isnt it. I see alot of other foreigners wearing skimpy clothes take the miss world contest for instance.
A small minority behave badly on holiday and at home. They probably think it is clever to try and shock.
i agree with you ladyjan, why does women wearing skimpy clothes give the wrong impression.
shall we all go back to the olderdays and cover ourselves up, im sorry but after having a child i think my body is pretty impressive and i too wanna go out in skimpy things- does that mean i wanna sleep around!
People should be able to wear what they want and frankly to some extrent act how they want.
This is very true...but all the ones that do flaunt with skimpy clothes on DOES give out a generalisation - you will always get a stereotypical view and unlucky for us it has gotten us one!
Edited by
2006-09-26 14:51:15
right or wrong , if there are two women sitting in a bar ,one sipping a sherry and dressed in twin set and pearls, and one throwing back the vodka,dancing on the tables/bar while scantilly dressed , i think most men would hit on the later
I am so being put off of Icmeler by this thread.

Edited by
2006-09-26 07:45:16
As for the skimpy clothes, well if you can't wear them in a hot country like Turkey where can you? It's your behaviour that makes the difference.
dancing on the tables ,bars etc is one thing but showing next weeks washing is another. i personally dont like seeing it and thats why i like the quieter places in turkey, but if people want to do that sort of thing then thats up to them, also as far as skantly dressed clothes go again theres a time and a place and i dont have a problem with it in appropriate places but some people do go over the top, wearing swimwear in restaurants , walking around the market in swimwear i think can be a bit silly as you will get the wrong sort of attention, my friend walked around in shorts and bikini top and she got lots of embarrassing comments, she then said to me that she didnt like the comments so i said cover yourself up more then !!! think a bit of common sense is needed if you dont want any attention, if you are happy with the attention then thats up to you
and yes i am sorry to say but i feel that many men would like us to be back to the "older days" and be covered from head to foot......
not all women who show a bit of flesh are hussy's!!!!
As del has asked.......how do you know that the girls dancing on the bars are Brits? it isn't only us Brits who can behave like this!
Can i just ask how many women in pearls and twin set sipping a sherry do you now a days in England let alone in Turkey!
doepsmc..... don't be put off by this thread as someone has already pointed out there are bars where dancing on bars happens BUT there are a lot more bars that it doesn't you decide what is right for you and your family.
it was only a comparrison
chris not all bars in icmeler are like that, dream boys we found was 1of the worst for this sort of behaviour. but we found some quiet ones too
Have to say I noticed that in the Dream Boys as well when I was there in August...I wouldn't be put off going either just from reading this...there are far more bars that don't include this behaviour - as always it's always the odd one

im sorry but i see nothing wrong in wearing skimpy clothes, or dancing on tables (not matter what sort of dancing)
im sure most people who are commenting that this is bad behaviour wasnt exactly diamond gals or geezers when they were younger.
long gone are the days where women are told what to wear and critised for what they wear.
with regards to the girl sleeping around, youve got to let here make her on decisions in life. some people need to be like that because there insecure or need attention-
Im still miffed about the all british people are like that comment someone made. If were that easy and that desperete then why do you continue to chat us up and try to pull us.

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