Have recently returned from a week in Marmaris. Had A lovely time after we got our suitcases

We arrived at around 12 local time and was waiting to collect our suitcases. They put a new batch on every 10 minutes or so...really. I got mine within half an hour but my other half no such luck. An hour later a suitcase very similar to ours ( colour, brand) was circuling the bay. Theres no one around except me and my partner. Yes, you guessed it-Someone had taken our case! Dont know how this was possible. How were we left with Mrs Taylors case? Where was ours??OMG

We did get it back with loads of phonecalls. What a nightmare!
Please make your case more recognisable and avoid a nightmare like ours....Mark your case with yellow tape if need be.LoL- We saw a case with big initials on in bright tape. everyone was laughing, but no-one took it by mistake thats for sure!