How lovely that my story has evoked so many memories.
I've checked with my Mum and the Max Bar that she and my Dad used to go to was in the Old Town, and by her description I would say it was somewhere near to Ray's Chippy.
They would regularly stay in the Bristol Park Hotel, and on the way home from Max Bar they used to call in the Robin Hood for a burger to soak up the booze!!! Max Bar was fairly small and the entertainment was a sing-song.
Sadly my Mum would not be able to travel to Beni by coach as she suffers from travel sickness on long journeys by car etc. The really funny thing is she was always fine when travelling by plane!!
St. James Church is very special to us, and each time I visit Benidorm I must light a candle for Dad in the Church, as it makes me feel that he is with us in Benidorm.
Talking of the donkeys and sombreros etc. I can remember Dad buying me a wind up black bull on one holiday - very nice, but I was in my late 20's at the time!!!!!