do i need an E111 or whatever it is called now, to go to paris???????
Yes, and also travel insurance.
it will be too late to get one now before i travel.
i have travel insurance but no EHIC. is this still ok or am i stuffed??????
It isn't a legal requirement to have the EHIC. If you need medical care though your insurance won't pay for anything that the EHIC would cover. I ordered our EHICs online and they arrived very quickly. I would order one now if I was you in case it arrives in time and it means you always have it for a future trip.
if it doesn't arrive before you go, is there anyone else at home who could text you the card number when it does come?
I know it's only a small risk......but the trouble is, if there should be a problem you could find yourself liable for a huge sum

we knew someone who fell and injured his back and had to be flown home

The EHIC so far as I understand it covers you for medical emergencies but not a repatriation flight so insurance is essential if that's a risk you don't want to take.
It doesnt pay for visists to the doctor etc. Only hospital treatment! Also be very much aware that the Insurance Cos will try to find a way not to pay you for treatment! I was refused more than £1,000 this year when the insurance co. stated that I had not told them of a minor operation I had before going on vacation (kidney stones). This operation had absolutely nothing to do with the illnes I suffered on the holiday, which caused me to abandon it to return home for treatment. yet still they used this as a reason (Excuse?) Moral? tell them everything before you go away!!!!!
I mislaid my card this year and didn't miss it until the morning we were due to depart! We rang the office that deals with these things and they checked that I did have a card then gave me an ememrgency number to call should I require health care and they would square things up with whoever was providing treatment.
You can apply for you card online. I did this for my parents and it was delivered within a couple of days. The following link allows you to apply by phone also:-
panic over.
i applied late on monday online and the cards arrived in the post this morning.
thanks for everybodys help.

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