Any news on the animals - I can't find anything other than what I have posted recently.
Regards Jackie
Could find out no more information had to go with £650+ for the dog, cat and parrot although this did include the crates

How's things going for you have you packed yet

I've not started yet don't know where to start
£650.00 is a lot of money but then saying that you are taking three pets so I don't suppose it works out that bad really, at least you know your pets will be with you. Who are you flying with?
I haven't got any dates to work to yet so I have not packed a sausage (not that I'm taking sausages

Do you have a moving date yet? What are you doing with all your furniture etc. Are you taking it with or have you bought all new for your place in the sun. We worked it out that by the time we put ours in storage while we look for a house and then get it shipped over we might as well buy new.
Hope thing go smoothly
Regards Jackie
I have not yet booked the flights for the pets so will not know who they will be flying with untill I get a date, I have gone through Jets for Pets they have been realy helpful with all the questions I have asked them think they might be a bit fed up with me

Our buyer wants to be able to get some of the things he wants to do before christmas so for me it could be anyday

I have bought new things for our little place in the sun but will just take personal stuff leave lots and get rid of lots it is amazing the clutter that you accumulate over the years I wonder if I could forget the kids

There is so much to think about you do meet yourself coming backwards
My hair is falling out and so stressed and here's me thinking it would be so easy

Here's to our new life soon in the sun
Yes lets hope all goes smooth for all that are in the same situation
pehaps we should all get together after the event and compare notes
Regards Blue Marlin (Kay)
You two are making me miserable... we've had our house up for 2 months and haven't had a sniff (despite big boasts from the estate agent).... facing a miserable Xmas in this whole of a country.....
Sorry to here that Davidowens
Two months is nothing. Our house went on the market at the end of January. We had plenty of what I like to call 'stupid' offers and four sales that fell through after about six week due the the 'buyers' not being able to get their mortgage. We lost the property that we were buying in Tenerife because things have taken so long. Now at last I think this buyer is serious as they have started to pay out money. It has taken almost a year from putting the house up for sale to possible completion. Don't stress about it, someone will come along when you are least expecting it. We had pretty much given up and decided if it takes another year then so be it, then within a week we had this viewing, they offered the full asking price and things are progressing well. It will drive you mad if you let it. Just look forward to Christmas and New Year (It could be your last in the UK) and I'm sure things will turn around soon.
Will definately have to meet up eventually to celebrate our new life in the sun.
Regards Jackie

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