FI..pity you didnt collect the one day and seven day corses that were given out in the papers back in the summer.. you never know a member may have a set they can send to you...if not a rather expensive one i can recomend is 101 languages of the world, it gives enough in each to get you by on holiday
Don't go buying any CD's....I have stacks and will PM you later

The BBC language dept is a good place to start and out of all the sites out there, I was recommend one by my Spanish teacher.
Whilst it is geared to school children and teachers, don't let that put you off...the more you go into it, the better it gets and as it is geared to school children and their short span of interest/boredom, they have made it fun.
Now the bad news is.....for 2 years it was completely free, but the popularity of the site has caused them to increase their bandwith and now it is £10 for a years subscription.
No nasties, they are based in the Isle of Wight, but you can have a little look in for free....espanol extra.
That lot should keep you busy

there are heaps of those on ebay - I just don't know if they are any good.Perhaps the fact that there are so many would suggest they aren't any good

There are a few of his courses on ebay and it looks a good enough price
Thanks to both of you
me and rob had spanish lessons from a spanish lady who now lives locally. we bought a couple of extra books and then discovered most of the work stuff she gave us was from the internet...it looks like sanjiiii has sorted you out though so i won't PM you unless you want an extra option.
He used to borrow them from the library!
And I think the reason there are so many on ebay is that people don't persevere. My hubby took 7 years of evening classes to get his GSCE Spanish (then got an A*

And emilysnana, sadly you can't get converstional classes any more. Because evening classes have to be "quality-controlled" they have to be exam based so that the results can be assessed

Good luck with the Spanish, Fiona!
Sanji- we must have posted at the same time as I didnt see your post- sorry. I am going to have a look at the links you gave and £10 isn't a lot if it is good.
If I only get a basic few phrases I'll be happy. I once had a go years ago and was able to understand a fair amount of what I heard.
If of course I progress beyond phrases I will be delighted

You should be able to borrow a Linguaphone course or something similar from you local library;I managed to get a Portuguese one from mine and it was brand,spanking new - never been used ( mind you, the chief librarian's husband was a drinking buddy of mine,so that may have helped ! )

Spanish With Michel Thomas Short Course CD from Amazon. With p&p it came to just over £10 and I had a gift voucher with £8 left on it.
I decided I needed some basic Spanish before I tackled the espanol one you recommended. I have no idea how to pronounce the words they are giving. Once I have got to grips with the CDs I think it would be good to extend the vocabulary.
No problem Fiona.....

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