I booked flights for my daughter and her boyfriend, forgetting that my daughter changed her name by stat dec to her dads name. The day before her flight, I realised her passport and tickets were in different surnames. No worrys, I thought, as a name change usually costs about £25. I phoned Travel Republic, who had to change it for me via Thomas Cook (which did state £20 name change on their website)..... but was told I would have to pay £110 NOW or lose the flight altogether! I had no choice - her rooms and transfers had been paid for. The reason for the cost, they said, was due to having to cancel and rebook the same seat. (?)
On arriving at the airport, and checking in, we had a nightmare! The airline had no recollection of the name change, but were happy (after 45 minutes of confusion) to let her board after seeing the proof that she had changed her surname (the stat dec).
Does anyone know where we stand? Not only had they not actually changed the name of the ticket with the airline, (going there, coming back was ok)...... but there was no need to do so - as providing the stat dec was enough!
I had explained the circumstances to Travel Republic, and feel we were charged this extra money without needing to! Any suggestions welcome.
Demand nothing less than a refund of your £110. That is just ridiculous and totally unacceptable.
I have sent a long and to the point letter, and will let you know of the outcome.
Was it T Cook she was travelling with or was it a scheduled flight ?
My argument isn't what the charge was, it was the fact they charged me and didn't change the name on the ticket anyway.
I just thought that the charge was high for a charter flight, and I havent heard of having to cancel and re-book like that before. I just wonder what would have happened if the flight was full and had been cancelled and then someone else had booked it before yours was re-booked.
Strange way of doing it - sounds like it was a complete new booking to me, hence the increase in price.
Kath x
I thought that maybe it was norm to cancel and rebook the same seat - and if so, coundn't really have argued about the cost. It obviously wasn't rebooked as the name wasn't changed when we got there, and took the check-in girl 3 seconds to over type the name.
They are blaiming MedHotels as they said it was them who let me down but it was TravelRepublic that I had the problem with as it was them who misled me and took the money out of my account.
I am in the process of complaining and Trading Standards are taking up my plight as I am requesting re-imbursement for the extra I had to pay with booking the hotel very late with another operator, who did and do actually book the hotel at the time you pay. Trading Standards have taken up my compliant with TravelRepublic. So dont trust MedHotels or TravelRepublic they may cause you a lot of phone calls and e-mails as they have a bad operating policy.
how did you pay the £110.
It's fortunate that it is over £100 - providing you paid bt credit card and not by cash/cheque or debit card.
If you did pay the £110 by credit card get in touch with your card issuer and explain that you've paid for a service that was not delivered. As such you hold the credit card company equally liable and demand a full return.
You'll need to provide some evidence of the failure by T.C. or Travel Republic to substantiate this. Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act covers you in this instance so don't let the credit card company fob you off.
This does NOT apply if you paid by means other then credit card (or the payment was less than £100).
Let us know the outcome please.
I paid with my husbands visa..... I might look into that if Travel Republic dont come good.
TR wrote back to me saying that the charges were passed to them via Thomas Cook, and they are looking into my complaint. They advised it could take at least a month.
contact visa a.s.a.p. and establish the fact with them that there's been a breach of contract (service paid for but not delivered) and you require a refund from them as they are equally and severally liable in law. They will then take action against the travel company. You meanwhile should have the £110 credited back to your husband's cr. card account pending their investigations.
Does that also apply if i book a hotel room by cc,if we arrive at destination and no room has been booked.I am concerned if i book with an online firm and get to hotel and find we have no room booked.
Have used the DIY booking system for a number years now ,and so far so good. But to be sure before you go, you can E mail the hotel to make sure they are expecting you.
Thanks for reply,can you recomend the best ones to use.i am abit of wuss realy my other half is concerned if we book independantly theres no room,he prefers to do a package,byt can'get one from our local airport.

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