Hi, another question. We have never been before and don't know anyone "close" who have been just people you chat to and of course the people "who know someone who has been"
Anyway how safe are you carrying valubles? I have been told not to take a camara is this ridiculous or right, we are staying in Sharm el shiek but going to cairo for the day and really want to take our camcorder and of course our digital camara. Or are they exagerations from misinformed drama queens.
I have the need to bore people when I get home with our long videos of where we have been. I need camcorder!
It must be a small world, the amount of people who all know the same person who went to Cairo and had to pay to get thier camara back when someone had offered to take thier picture.
I have heard so much about people trying to rip you off and being robbed I trust anyone on this site for real info.

We are just back from Egypt, mainly the Nile valley bit we did go to Cairo.
I carried my cameras (digital & video) about with me all the time with no problem and the rest of our party did the same and none of us had any hassle.
If you take a picture of a local up at the Pyramids or Sphinx you may get them putting their hand out for a small tip, 20le (20p) is a good amount and if somebody takes a picture of you with say the Pyramids behind you, you would be expected to give them a small tip of about the same amount, but don't worry about not getting your camera back they will take a picture and hand it straight back then expect the tip.
We had heard the same stories but they appear to be just that, a story.
Many of the people in Egypt are VERY poor and they do try many different methods (some would say s'cams) to get money out of you, but the one thing that I noticed is that they are honest and once you had agreed on a deal of any kind that was it settled.
Obviously take reasonable precautions with your camera and jewellery just the same as you would back here.
We enjoyed Egypt so much the day after we arrived home we booked to go back again.
I am sure you will have a great time and don't let the stories worry you or put you off.
Edited by
Kiltman HT Mod
2007-02-08 23:30:26
Common sense prevails!!!
The Egyptians in general are not robbers!
But when you have 17million in one small city, petty crime will take place.
I went to Cairo with a large group and we all had cameras and never had a problem....to be honest I never gave it a thought!

Joe, I agree with everything that Spinner and Graham say. Just be as careful and concious as you would be in a large city anywhere in the world. One thing I would recommend when in Cairo though, which does not apply to Sharm, is that ladies do cover up considerably to avoid drawing unwelcome attention to themselves, if you get my drift?
Just in case anyone gets confused, Graham. In your post you refer to 20 Egyptian pounds (20le) as being 20p. It is, of course £2 sterling not 20p
That's why I always let my wife deal with the money

I meant to put 2le (20p) as a figure that is good for a tip, I know this sounds very little but it is a reasonable tip amount in Egypt.
Got to say that I felt as safe in Egypt as anywhere - its just the hassle thats bad, they are not BAD people, just poor, and if going to Egypt you have to understand that there shall be hassle, just like certain places in Turkey, Tunisia etc etc.
Just Don`t worry about the saftey in sharm .,I`m working in big tour operator at Sharm that handle 9 nationalities, When a clients even forget his camera in Jeep ,boat or bus we are calling this clients &give it back ...Just Don`t worry & have lovely holidays
Thanks everyone for your replies am so excited about going I can hardly breathe. You have put my mind at rest. Thanks again.

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