hi i am not sue about the hotel you mention, though from the sound of Greek Kitty's comments that the hotel is what i thought was called the alikes beach hotel.... right down on the beach front at the alikanas end of alikes. if that is correct, i personally wouldnt pick the hotel but that is more from my opinion that building should be back from the beach so as not to overdevelop beachfront areas - they become so ugly when overcrowded with buildings. i have never been inside the hotel so i cant pass any comment on it.
alikanas i think is a really nice, low key resort. very pretty with a nice greek feel, without being too far off into the wilds! alikes i would not be so keen on, it's somewhat overdeveloped with very little imaginination. a bit blackpooly.
so, no i dont think you have made a big mistake, i think the area is lovely but i would just head out towards alikanas rather than alikes. as i said, i think zakynthos is possibly the friendliest island i've ever been to, with beautiful scenery and generally good food. i think you'll have a great holiday.
I've got a holiday booked in Zante for end of August, bit worried now because of a couple of the reports I've read, really don't want to go to Blackpool-style place. Is it like this at all? Didn't like Lanzarote so much because of that. Help would be great to put my mind at ease! Is it all kareoke bars or are there some nice restaurants and chilled out bars?

becki, i live in blackpool so feel quite qualified to comment here! yes, there are areas on zante which can get a little ''brits abroad'' at times, but i have never visited a holiday island which to some degree, does not suffer from this every now again (s'pose thats why we have opted for lesvos this year, as we have had our moments of witnessing the old red, white and blue shame over the years at various resorts...ketchup on your rosmary lamb shank anyone?!) i would say you are most likely to come across little britain on zante if staying in laganas-me and my fella actually saw a practically new born baby being wheeled around the resort in an england flag-print buggy! the baby itself was also sporting a mini-sized wayne rooney replica shirt...i promise you that is true!, maybe also tsilivi although not to the same extent. these are the places you will most likely get a euro-pop style amarillo re-mix in the bars and enough sunday dinner to put you off going to your granny's for your tea ever again. we went to alikanas last year which we really enjoyed, you get the odd ''brit bar'' and a bit of big screen sky sports but no ''rovers return inns'' or ''we serve yorkshire tea'' signs outside the bars, the best thing to do is get yourself some wheels (2 or 4, depending on budget-and how much natural padding your bum holds!) and get out of the resorts and into the little towns and up the mountains-it really is pretty once you leave the well worn tourist trail. after saying all this though, greece in general is no where near as 'blackpool' as many parts of spain, it is like everywhere, it depends on the resort, i would much rather go to zante than majorca again. happy holidays!...ps-if all else fails and it turns into ''if you can't beat em, join 'em, get in touch with me again and i will get you some false boobies and a union jack base ball cap from blackpool prom, you can take them with you!
Hi Kitty/Dot. Thanks for your replies. I am looking forward to Zante, it is a place I have wanted to visit for some time. I love Kefalonia and I am expecting similar scenery (I hope I'm not disappointed). The apartments look very nice so I am sure we will have a great time. Gx
I went to Kafelonia last year and Tsilivi the year before, its only my opinion but Kafelonia wins hands down over Zante.
Hi. I love Kefalonia (been 3 times) but I think it is getting quite commercialised (our last visit was to Skala). The scenery on Kefalonia is stunning but I don't think we will return. If you like Kefalonia, don't think Skiathos will be 'your bag'. Gx
Thanks so much for the info!It's really usefull, also, didn't mean to diss Blackpool-I have been and loved it! haha!! I just found Lanzarote (Costa Teguise) a bit too English in parts!! Thanks for the help though. Really hope Tsilivi's all we hope it will be.

Im off to zante in may for the first time and we have not booked a transfer from the airport. The agent told us that our hotel is 10 mins from the airport.
Does anyone know, how much I should be paying for a taxi fo a 10 min journey. Want to be prepared as I know what the greeks are like, wouldn't want to get ripped off!!!!!
Yes, there are a few bars and british food places but there are plenty of other restaurants to choose from and there is nothing too loud and over the top.
What I wouldnt do to be sitting in one of the bars there with a frosted glass of Mythos right now! Or a cocktail in the 2 Brothers bar!
You'll have a great time there!
A little snippet for Zante lovers, I hear on the grapevine that the new departure building is being opened ready for the start of this season
Well lets hope so, 3 weeks on Sunday til we go to Tsivili for a week. Hope the weather is good
Oooh you lucky devil. I've booked up ready for next year but nothing for this year
last time i went to zante didn't get time to do any duty free shopping as queued up for hours is it any better now?
also if anyone has been before and could recommend some trips. Two things though i suffer with sea sickness and car sickness if its a long journey by car or coach
next 10 days forcast 70 to78 deg F with a days rain per week [on average]
we are going to Tsilivi on the 10th May for a week magenta 74, we are staying at the admirals which I believe is very close to Planos beach apartments, its our second time to Tsilivi you will love it there.
thank you for that wizard i appreciate it. admirals we will probably see you around then but not realise who you are lol. i can't wait its my first time to zante I've always wanted to go.
Less than 2 weeks to go for us. We fly on the 13th May. Can't wait. Weather forecast looking pretty good
first i want to choose a place
we have choose from kalamaki , tsivili and vasilikos
Laganas i dont want!!
so which resort of those 2 u would advice me!
i want
1. not noisy place but not dead . with tavernas and small shops near. will nice bars. to see people walking in the evening. but i dont want noisy place as laganas and many teenagers,
2. sandy beach with good sandy entrance to the sea without stones and platforms, very very clean sand and water!!!!! not too overcrowded beach
3. nice landscapes. we also want to rent a car and i wonder are the roads good are the asfalt?
please tell me are there rent a car companies which provide full ensurance without excess!!
is in whole the isladn worth seeing are there really many interesting places
one more very important question! I like very very warm water so it should be not less then at least 24 degress but better 25 and more!!! 22-23 is a cold for me(((.
Tell me pls in what month the water is the most warm i thought about going in august or beginning of september
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