Hello all, here is a short guide to help you get round Malta's forts and fortifications.
Curtain wall, a wall of mainly stone bordered by a parapit, which joins two bastions.
Bastion, a fortified stone wall filled in at the back with earth so that the it thrusts out from the main fortification at a angle.
Demi Bastion, a half bastion built to protect a curtain wall at the ends.
Countergaurd, a acutely angled polygonal stone work built to protect a bastion, set lower and in front.
Cavalier, defence work the enceinte and higher than the first line of defence, like St Johns and St James inside Valletta.
Parapet, a low wall on top of the ramparts built to protect the besieged.
Hornwork, a defence work built independen of the main fortifications.
This should give you a help to the coming tales I have to tell.
The largest works of fortifications built by the Knights of Malta, work started in 1670 by Antonio Maurizo Valperga and were paid for in the most part by Grand Master Nicolas Cotoner.
It was much criicised by other engineers of the day, work moved on a pace with the fall of Candia (Crete) to the Turks for fear of another seige on Malta.
It is a long semi circle of Curtain wall 4.5K long with 8 Bastions and 2 Semi Bastions, it was to have 8 revelins (some times called Demi-Lunes) but the money ran out,powder magazines were built into some of the Bastions and mid way through some of the walls were 5 gate ways, (some now bricked up) the best of these is the Baroque Gate known as the Zabbar Gate with a bust of Grand Master Contoner.
In 1714 engineer de-Tigne reported that the lines still needed a large amount of money to finish them off, with the Order short of money in 1720 he began to build a retrenchment around the most northerly Bastion and turned it into Fort Salvalore.
When the British arrived in 1800 they strenthened the lines by building a joining entrenchment between the back of the lines to the Margarita forming Fort Firenzuola, the British armed the walls with 10" guns .
The lines were never tested in a seige other than when the Maltses held the French with in its walls for 2 years between 1798-1800.

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