well in addition to the report that I wrote before we went I have decided to confirm that in fact we did spend two weeks laid on sunbeds.
Left Manchester on time with first choice, flying in premiair for the first time, welcomed aboard with champagne (well fizzy white wine anyway) and settled back to enjoy the flight. The holiday is underway

Ok the flight passed quickly enough and the service in premium was fairly good with better food, free drinks etc but not sure that the extras added up to £200 per person. Legroom was excellent and extra baggage allowance was handy although we were under 20kilos each.
Landed at Diabolicalim and the "priority" package fell apart as the steps brought to the aircraft were the wrong ones and by the time they brought the correct ones we were the last off the plane and were at the end of the queue for immigration.
Finally through immigration and down to luggage reclaim, luggage wating and not a porter in sight!!! Yahoo!!!
So we are now outside the airport and whilst I am getting taxi, porters descend on SWMBO seeking £10 , untill I return when a bargain offer of £5 is lodged, to which my final bargain counter-offer of £1 (take it or leave it) was reluctantly accepted bu the duo (well they didn't have much choice as the taxi was now moving).
Taxi driver was the only one in India who is not convinced that he is Michael Shcumacher and we had a nice steady drive being able to look around at the scenery, especially when the driver took a back road to avoid heavy traffic and we had a good look around at bits we hadn't seen before.
Arrived at the Phoenix park before the coach from the airport so were able (if needed) to choose best room.
However the room we were allocated, 4104, was fairly good with a partial view of the pool.
We were welcomed like old friends and there is no doubt that we WERE remembered.
Unpacking was accomplished and off we went in shorts and t-shirts etc to have a look at the beach and get some thing to eat.
Now, just to backtrack a little to Xmas time.
we have just bought a new touring caravan and have consequently been spending a lot of time in caravan accessory shops, where I spotted "Deet 100%) on offer at half price. That 'll keep the little b*****s off in Goa I thought and bought 4 bottles. Bargain!!!!!
Back to Goa
O K , where was I?
Oh yes, showered, changed and liberally sprayed with 100% deet off we went to check on our old friend the "princess".
Had a look and then up to Nicos on beach road for something to eat.
Had a nice light meal and was sat relaxing , arms and legs akimbo, when Evelyn asked me " where has all the black on your leg come from?".
Must be from the mucky chairs I replied taking a serviette and wiping the offending chair. " Its all over your arm as well" my observant wife says, Lo and behold it is everywhere!
Well everywhere that has been sprayed with 100% deet !!!
If it does that to paint/ lacquer etc, what does it do to your skin

From that point forward the annual battle against our buzzing friends was fought with Odomol and Woodland fresh.
Thus endeth the first day.
Day two.
Bounced out of bed at 9.40 , too late for breakfast, (to be honest, bounced is not really the word I should use ) and after preparations ,i.e. factor 30 sun cream etc off to the beach.
Last time at the Phoenix we used Frank Zappas beach shack a lot , but this time we decided that the walk from the sunbed to the shack was an onerous imposition and decided on somewhere that had thier sunbeds a bit closer, Thus we arrived at Sun and sea ( or it may have been Sea and sun., or Sand and sun or sea........ anyway something like that) and settled on the beds. Ah Blisss..............
Snack time
up to the shack and " one large kinfisher and one fresh lime soda sweet and sour please".... looking good so far
whats on the menu , what do we fancy?
Evelyn asks " I wonder what they actuall mean by a "club sandwich here?"
So I ask the waiter. BIG MISTAKE
"A club sandwich is bread and is cut with a knife from here to here" he says.
"Yes" I reply,"But what is the filling?"
"Is bread on top and bread on bottom and is cut with knife from here to here "
" yes but what is in it"
" is bread slices"
Taking beer mats from the table I constructed a sandwich with them and pointed to them saying " this bread and this one bread, now what is in middle?"
"is bread cut from here to here with knife" is the reply.
This is getting like a Monty Python sketch
Evelyn puts in her two penn'orth and says "I think I will have a cheese and tomato sandwich anyway ".
We decide to use another new shack tomorrow.
Back to the hotel late afternoon for a shower and change of clothes etc before dinner.
Had sort of arranged to meet Vegas one whilst in the hotel there and she had said, in order to recognise her, " look for two blondes".
So, coming past the pool area , saw two VERY attractive young blondes in bikinis etc, made eye contact, and sort of waited for a response

Well , I thought, I'll have another attempt at breakfast time.
Ate at Flambe, and had a great meal as I expected and found that all waiters from last year were still there, first rateplace and food.
Back to hotel pool area for nightcap,and then to bed.
Leapt out of bed at 9.30 (well leapt is not really the right word) and after shower etc too late for breakfast. Off to the beach!
On the way through the breakfast bar area saw the two blondes in bikinis again, again made eye contact, ( could almost feel the "whats this middle aged pervert after"), decide to leave contact untill later when I could enrol Marios' assistance.
Have given up on the club sandwiches today and decided to go to Monicas shack , a bit of a walk but somwhere that we are both happy with ( also near to the princess so I am able to make certain that no one has absconded with the landmark ).
Walking down to the beach we are both still white and as such are prime candidates for all stall holders, after the usual greetings and invites to look in my shop we finlly get to the last one , where I am able to say
" how are you , Brenda" to one girl that I did remember by name and
that really stoppped her sales patter in mid flow.
Arriving at Monicas we found that the regulars were still in the same places that they were in last year when we left (which was a real dej-vu experience).
After a hard day on the beach , it was back to the hotel to shower, change and out for a meal. Ate at the Fishermas Cove. To be honest we were a bit nervous of this one but after a session in the jewellers I needed a beer urgently!! To be honest, although the place is a bit tacky and grubby and the kitchen area doesn't warrant too much attention the food was really good and neither of us had any bad reaction etc
next day
Sprang from bed at 10.00 (ok. sprang is not strictly true) and prepared for the beach. through the breakfast bar , two blondes move sharply out of the way. No Mario to assist, so onward to the beach and the sun.
Pretty much a re- run of yesterday during the day but at night we ate at Titus italian restaurant which we haven't been in before. It's at the top of Candolim beach rd next door to Nicos at the end of a short pathway and is nicely laid out in a garden type stting away from most traffic noise .
food and service were both good and the resident doberman ( Beckie)
patrols the tables to make sure that all customers enjoy their stay.
next morning
Launched out of bed today (yes launched is the right word!

The two blondes eye me warily as I pass their table for my sausage and egg with beans.
Still no Mario to act as intermediary, so after eating etc off to meet Sandie in his taxi and spent the day in silence and empty sunbeds at mandrem. Lovely.
Can't remember where we ate tonight , but over the two weeks we only had one poor meal, at Floyds ~(the one on the side of the road nearer the beach). Ate several times at Flambes which is always good , also tried Roma which is heavily advertised with a boat up and down the beach, where the food was good but the wine was 550 rps for a 375 cc bottle of Sula(yeuch!)
Other restaurants we ate in were, J.J's, oppsite Ruffles, food good and the waiter kept our wine in the fridge untill we were ready for it pouring during the meal lso Casa Sea Shell
I have already mentioned Fishermans Cove, Titus and Nico's, so the remaning restaurants are Le Jardin at calangute and A Reverie.
A Reverie gets loads of recommendations on the forum, but I will be honest and say that it is the ONLY restaurant that I have got up and walked out of without ordering, when I saw the ludicrous prices on the very limited menu.The surroundings are extremely nice and the prices certainly reflect this with a bit more added on for good luck,the menu was limited at the best and sparse at the worst with only approx 6 selections on the starter and main course menus.
We left there and went instead to the Le Jardin which is just around the corner, where we had a good meal but was again a bit miffed at the cost, this is the same area as Little Italy and Roma and iw ownder if there is a reason for all the pricier eateries to be in the same area.
the following day
surfaced for breakfast about 9.00.
the two blondes are still looking askance at me (can this be vegasone playing hard to get?)still no Mario to help .
this sets the tone for the next 10 days or so , varying Candolim beach with Ashwem or Mandrem.
Finally approached(tentativley) the two blondes with a "Excuse me , but do you use the holiday truths forum?".
They reply "No, but we find you very attractive and are really attracted to the older man"
OK so the last part is imagination

In fact they were quite amused that I had been watching them for a few days.
We did find several people staying in the resort and the hotel who use HT even if not registered and at least one couple has promised to register and post their report (we are waiting Pauline , you know who you are

So, now I have given my report of most of the holiday, and as I posted before we went, " arrived in Goa ,,went on the beach , came home", seems to sum it up.
Final night and as we are going out for a meal Mario appears.
"Hello Mario" I say, " do you know vegas one from Holiday truths?"
"Of course I do " He says, " you have just missed her . I was talking to her just before you came around the corner"
Ah well vegas, I'll try again next year.