I was intrigued, so had a google!!
Now THIS makes interesting reading I was intrigued, so had a google!!
I also asked off my credit card company how to stop it happening again and they said it was just one of those things.
I also racked my brains as to how I could have been 'done'.
One of the cards is my main one that I used all the time, so I guess anywhere. But the other had only been used once

I am absolutely convinced that it was done in the call centre as who else had access to the number and suggested this over the phone with cards the f**** department.
They just didnt want to know, they implied their staff would never do such a thing.

Edited by
2007-03-11 15:43:11
I have also been a victim - mine was for a very small amount of money but it was an internet porn site!
The credit card company didn't pick up on it but it was a very small amount. I noticed it straight away, didn't recognise it, rang them and after 1 quick chat with their fr aud dept it was refunded. What scares me is how many of us have been caught,I also am very careful, shredding etc. Mind boggles. Hope everyone is refunded soon
fraudsters are targeting people in call centres especially in India to get peoples card details they offer the person good money but when the person wants to stop doing it they start to threaten their families etc. I went on a course with my work recently. At the company i work in we are being told not to wear our swipe cards in public.
Is nothing sacred...!! I will certainly be more careful now. Thanks all for your good advice.
Hi all, Just thought I'd update this, we got the refund in our bank today. This took several phone calls to the bank by hubby as they wouldn't talk to me me about it. NO paperwork has been received from the bank whatsoever!! Anyway, we have NOT used the garage since. Thought I would let you know the outcome. Thanks again for all your advice. Deb.
a similar thing happened to me about 20 mths ago with my egg card. i dont get postal statements so no one could have found info that way and i wasnt informed by egg about it, it was only when i went online did i notice a debit of around £300 i couldnt think what it was for nor did i recognise the company name, i hardly ever use my egg card and i had only used it twice in the time period, once was to book flights to turkey via turkish airlines direct and the other was for london theatre tickets again with the theatre concerned directly. when i contacted egg they told me the transaction was from usa and had been authorised in $s and this was the sterling total, luckily as it had been done without my signature they refunded it fairly quickly, when i asked what they had used it for she said personnel services lol, i said to her wonder what my boyfriend would make of that was we are getting married next month lol !!! i didnt have any trouble getting a refund because the transaction had been done in the usa and i hadnt been there and because my signature wasnt used. but i still wonder how my card details arrived in usa, being an online card unless someone at either the theatre or turkish airlines had passed it on, it is very worrying !!!
Really pleased it all worked out for you Deb. These situations are normally resolved, it's just a pain that we have to wait so long for OUR money back.
What I find most annoying, is, the bank have not contacted us since that 1st call on sunday morning, it was all our calls to them that got it sorted in the end. As you say Jackie, it took just over 2 weeks, but got sorted in the end - I am petrified now to use my card anywhere apart from the cashpoint inside our local waitrose!! NEVER again will we use a card to pay for petrol. Deb.
It was later discovered that they had all used the same petrol station. (One of them had used it only once over six months ago) They all said that when they put their card in the swipe machine and entered their PIN number. The cashier informed that the machine was broke and then swipped their card on another machine. Obviously a cloning machine was used on the first occasion!
The petrol station has recently been visited by the police who are now looking for an ex employee!
Hi m&n, I asked hubby if they had asked him to enter his pin twice or indeed, if they seemed suspicious in any way & he said absolutely not, so how they do it I have no idea, We also informed the police & got a crime no, but we have heard nothing whatsoever from them, & the petrol station is still doing a roaring trade with lots of people paying by card...!! So, obviously our local police are not doing anything about it, even though we told them where it was cloned. We did receive a letter today from the bank asking us various questions including where we thought it had happened & had we visited India. They also asked us where we had used the card in the last 2 years. This is so wide spread now, they must be able to do something!!!

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