We arranged for my Mother to look after him as apart from the fact that she is an animal lover we knew we could rely on her to make a decision if needed. However, he went down hill rapidly and my Mother didn't need to look after him.
What to do, what not to do? In a cattery they probably get more attention than someone coming into the house once or twice a day, and the cattery will spot something quicker than a house visit. On the other hand, would the cat be happier in it's own surroundings?
It is a terrible situation to be in and one we agonised over, hence asking my Mom.
My thought are with you x
Some people don't understand how you can get so attached to an animal but, like you, my cat is my baby too. We don't have children and he keeps me company when my hubby is on night shift. I love him to bits and I'm dreading the day he's not going to be here. 18 months ago he had to have an emergency op that cost us a bit of money as like you I thought he was too old to insure. At the time my SIL said we should put him down which really upset me but he recovered and he's still here. He had a slight heart murmur and arthritus, all symptoms of getting older.
You've had some great advice on here already and I can't add anything more but as a fellow animal lover I just wanted to offer a virtual hug.
As you say see how it goes on Monday and take it from there. Thinking of you xx
What was said about him not knowing time is right, animals have no concept. The worst case scenario is obviously something happening while you are away, which would be awful for you, but not necessarily for the cat . My parents lost their dog last year. My Mum had sat with him night after night and then the vet reassured them that on treatment he would be fine and she needn't worry. She came down the next morning and he had passed away. My parents naturally were distraught, but he apparently looked very peaceful and I still think that them not being there was best for him. Animals are very sensitive to your moods and feelings and pick up on your concern, so are probably more relaxed and peaceful when by themselves if that makes any sense. Cats by their nature tend to 'go to ground' when ill, so probably really don't like being fussed. So long as he is well cared for and generally kept an eye on, I don't think you would have any reason to feel guilty whatever the outcome.
I know it is all very easy to say, none of us knows what we would do unless it happens but mexico is also our favourite place, you will love it. We've only been the once to Playacar but we will go back. Don't be too hasty cancelling, if the vet has given him a minimum of 6 months, your holiday will be over in 3 and you will be back and refreshed ready to give him the care he needs.
We dog sit for friend at easter and 2 weeks in summer.2 years ago when we arrived (Saturday)our friend told us the dog was ill and would we take him to the vets on the Monday as he couldnt get an appiontment till then.When we went to the vets he told us the bad news that he had a syndrome that could be life threatening.Our friend had had 3 of this breed and must have known it could be serious as he said if the worst came to the worst dont tell them as it would spoil the holiday.To cut a long story short the dog deteriated rapidly over the first week and we had to call the vet to the house on the day he collapsed.He warned us it looked bad and we had to contact our friends so they could call the vet and speak to him.The decision was made for him to be put to sleep that afternoon.My husband and another friend went to the vets to be with him.I couldnt go as I was distraught by this time.When our friends came back from holiday they were delayed a few hours so said just to go home and they would see us later.I couldnt face them and was out when they called.They now have a lovely young dog(same breed) who we look after and hopefully he will not have any problems for years to come.Its a terrible dilema for anyone deciding whether to go on holiday or stay with the pet.
Puddleduck2 Sounds like your cat is a fighter glad he made a full recovery
Pam What you say makes total sense, I just need to convince myself of it.
Jaytrip that must have been a terrible situation to be in but at least he had a friendly face at the end and I think it is always better to let a pet go rather than be in pain.
I will let you know how it goes at the vets after he has his heart scan on Monday.
Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and for all your support.
Thinking of you Dawn - hope all goes OK today x
Sam had his heart scan yesterday and the outcome according to the cardiologist was the best it could be for a cat with his condition. The scan thankfully showed there was no sign of any bloodclots formed around his heart nor no signs of any trying to form. Which is what we were really worried about and he is now on anti coagilents (spelling) and asprins so the clotting should not happen again.

His heart muscle however is a lot bigger than it should be but if he carries on responding to his medication like he has been then he should have a life expectancy of 2 to 3 years and a good quality of life during those years.

The cardiologist was great as he explained his condition in great detail and he has changed some of his medication as he now no longer needs to be on beta blockers as apparently with his particular condition it could make his life span shorter and this is something we would not have know if we had not had the scan done.
Its a great weight off my mind knowing he his going to be ok. At the moment he is feeling very sorry for himself as he has a huge bald patch on his side where they had to shave him for the scan one on his neck where they did a blood test and one on his leg where he had his drip, but he is loving all the extra attention and extra treats he is getting, and it looks like the holiday to Mexico doesnt have to be cancelled after all.

Thanks again for all your help and support
Give him a stroke from me please. Cats are a bit canny - they know how to look sorry for themselves just to get some extra fuss!!
That's wonderful news Dawnlee- now you can relax and start looking forward to your holiday!! You can't fail to love Mexico, have a great time.
That's great news!!!
Now you can go and enjoy your well earned break in the knowledge that all will be well.
So relax and let your hair down!!!

So pleased for you;just a thought,but is your cattery online?If so,ask if they mind you e-mailing for updates whilst you're on holiday.I mention this because we look after two dogs for a neighbour who has to travel abroad as part of her job and,whenever she is away,we send a 'morning report' just to let her know the dogs are o.k. She says she finds this really re-assuring even though the dogs are in perfect health anyway.
Hope all continues to go well.

Aw Dawn, that's fantastic news I'm so pleased for you. Now you can go on holiday and relax, which is exactly what you shoudl be doing on holiday
I definitely intend to relax after the past week and now I can start looking forward to it again, and there will be e-mails going backwards and forwards for regular updates as they do have e-mail at the cattery, a few phone calls aswell but as it is so expensive to call home from Mexico they will be very short so will probably rely on e-mail.
Great to hear your fantastic news.
You have many friends on this site who were all thinking of you both.
Know what you mean about how your cat can make you feel guilty when they return from a trip to the vets. I always make sure I have a tin of tuna in for our two. In fact we now only have to use the electrical can opener and they are there.

Give your cat a hug from me.
I am so pleased Sam is going to be ok. All us cat lovers can appreciate what you have been through, we treat them like family. My brother-in-law sadly lost his 16yr old cat 'Harry'. His small sons couldnt undersatnd why he couldnt have a funeral like people do so the vet arranged a cremation and we all went along for some support. All the children in the neighbourhood had drawn pictures of him and it was really moving, it also made it easier for my nephews to be able to say goodbye.
aw great news
Now you can look forward to your holiday knowing that he will be having a lovely time being spoilt at the cattery.

I only wish my cat Sam could read, if he could I think he would send you all a big thank you

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