looking to go island hopping around Greece in Sep with my friend - have decided on the following - getting return flight to Crete, once landed getting an internal flight up to Kos (as it works well with landing and departing times) then doing Islands from Kos working our way down back to Crete to spend few days there before flight home (winging it with boats etc - like free spirits lol)
anyway my ? is - ive found airline as listed in subject title that does internal flight which is 1 hour long - however its 118 euro each (for 1 way) - it seems like is a small 16 seater aircraft that flies there so would sort of justify the price (im thinking 82quid is a bit pricy for 1 way 1 hour flight) - does any body know if its worth just keep checking online if prices are likely to drop or whether sky express have SET prices and dont move?
sorry i sound a right tight a*se - im not its just my friend is coming home after being in new zealand for 5 years and is on a v tight budget so were wanting to do things as cheap as possible