When we went to PdB in the mid 80s you could walk along the beach to the far end, cross over a ditch using a rickety plank and then walk over the headland. You then came to a really isolated cove with a few fishing huts and a run down stone pier. Great for fishing off. Is it still unchanged or has it been taken over by commercial interests? If you walked inland from there you came out on the road to the Salinas (after a fairly stiff climb over the hills) right by where the dolphin park used to be. Not far from the Camel farm (again no longer there). Then you could walk back along the road the PdB passing the old horse racing track and cutting down one of the narrow footpaths by the fields to bring you out by the Ebano apartments. One year I did all that walking whilst on crutches after spraining my ankle 2 weeks before the holiday! Happy days.