The suggestion has been made from time to time that some of us have a vested interest.
I do know that we have several members in the industry, yet I cannot recall ever seeing a post from any of them that was made in defence of the failings.
Yes the specialist knowledge bit does come into things, and the reply may be written with the benefit of that specialist knowledge.
But then again some of our members are well travelled, or have experience that makes the reply of more help. I ran a car hire operation so sometimes I can point someone in the right direction because of that.
The fact that so many people use this site when they have a problem or for research, only demonstrates the quality of information that can be found.
I only have one complaint - and that is when someone posts with a problem, so many do not have the courtesy to tell us the outcome. Good or bad makes no difference. It is the feedback that is important.
No commercial website could ever hope to achieve what HT does - there is no doubt that a lot would like to do so.