company new web site
some recent photos

I've read back through other peoples comments and it looks positive but if anyone has any recent experience I would be very grateful. I know that meals were included, and would be most impressed if drinks are included in the price as well?? Thanks again

if you look a couple of post on this page you will see where i have posted 2 links.... the new company web site should hold all the info you need
Thanks for that, I've looked at their website but if anyone has any personal experience I would still be interested to hear from them. Thanks

I'm in the same boat as you. Just booked this morning for Crete next August and didn't realise until after booking that the flight will be operated by eurocypria. However, all comments I've read this morning seem positive. Fingers crossed. I can't imagine that drinks will be complimentary though - it doesn't say anything about it on their website.

I think my main gripe was with Thomson not telling me I wouldn't get some of their "Premier" benefits because I wasn't on a Thomson plane and they didn't tell me this at the time of booking. Still, thats another story!
It looks as if Thomson have chartered these flights with Eurocypria flying from Stanstead to Crete and our holiday was a considerably cheaper price than if we'd booked a Thomson flight from Gatwick. I guess only time will tell......lets hope its not a question of "you get what you pay for"

If you hear any more let me know

I haven't flown with them for a few years but when i did the flight was fine ,food OK and on time, if you check the stats for this year they are no worse than many in-fact some who a few years ago prided themselves as the best charter companies have been a dam sight worse recently
Does anyone know if this is true? We have paid the money for them as there was nothing on system to say otherwise. The meals on planes aren't always fab but it breaks the flight up a bit plus we'll be travelling from 11pm not arriving til 6.10am the following day. I've checked Eurocyprias website and they are on there.
my parents have just come to the UK for a visit on euro cypria and they havent mentioned anything about that they said there inflight meals were great! and they were offered more than 5 breakfast's! and there was only 16 on there flight
My parents have just returned home back to cyprus last week and flew back from Bristol with EuroCypria,im on EuroCypria now to look for some flights for october because we have our august/september ones booked already and it says that they dont fly from Bristol.. does anyone know whats going on ? i did think its because that time of year they might stop flying because i dont think there an all year round airline but ive looked for august aswell and it dosent say Bristol?
ECA generally do charters rather than scheduled flights so you can't book with them direct, you'll have to book with whoever has chartered the aircraft.
Ahhh ok.
Just flew to Crete and back with Eurocypria, and while there was no major problems, we did pick up on a few points. Firstly, while boarding for both the outward and return journey, the cabin crew were just chatting and laughing with each other - not taking any notice of the passengers who were boarding. Just a small thing, but it wasn't very professional. Also on the return journey we were told that we were boarding at 6 am. The departure screens showed us as boarding at the proper time, and even showed that we had departed, while we were all sitting in the lounge. We were told to board from gate 3, and people proceeded to queue. After around 20 minutes the screen changed from Bristol to TEl Aviv, and we were told to go to a different gate - which people did. By now it was 7am, and no announcement was made as to the delay. We went to ask staff members, and no one knew anything. Eventually we boarded around 7.30 from the original gate. It was left to the Captain to tell us that there had been minor technical faults. Most people agreed with us that we would much prefer to know early if there's a delay, so that you could get another coffee or have another look round. It's the not knowing that's horrible in the airport, especially since we were up at 2.45am. The inflight meals were definitely not worth the £12 which we paid.
Heraklion airport wasn't up to much but that's a different thread. Our return flight was scheduled for 7am and our boarding cards stated boarding at 6am and as stated by Helen we were kept waiting until 30 mins after departure time before the screens showed there was a delay

Most of the negative points were minor and haven't put us off flying with them again if we have to.
Where are you flying from as Eurocypria do not fly from the Uk to Sharm el sheikh, are you sure your airline flight code is ECA
We have also booked Eurocypria from Manchester to Sharm el Sheikh. Flight code is ECA545
we flew to larnaca with eurocypria last month and i can honestly say it was the best flight we've had. no delays and the plane was really comfy and had plenty of leg room
Hey everyone, just wondering if anybody has flown with this airline......or at least heard of them!!! Just booked a 'cheapy' week to Cyprus flying on 10th May from Newcastle and apparently this is the airline we fly with. Checked out on the net and they do appear to exist but just wondering if anyone on here had any first hand experience of them. Cheers guys.
Flown with this airline a few times, and alawys found them absolutely fine.

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