We had breakfast in the hotel,then sat in the large reception area to drink our coffee and have a cigarette.
A taxi pulled up outside,out stepped two white women and two Indian men.One of the men was dressed in traditional indian dress the other in a western style suit.
They ran ahead of the women taking snaps of the women walking to the reception desk,snap snap snap,the women signed the hotel book,snap snap snap,the women had their A.I. wrist bands put on,snap snap snap,
they posed by the reception desk,snap snap snap,totally over the top.
I thought they must be foreign film stars.
I later found they were just Russian holidaymakers,the men were from there travel company. The cameras belonged to the women,I just hope they have some extra memory cards.
Right lets leg it up the road and see whats here.We dicided to go left through the main gates, the side of the road had shop after shop on one side,and little stalls on the other"come and have a look in my shop,taxi,
no come look here cheap as chips" they cried.
We saw a sign pointing to the "Goan Village" a eating place manny on this site have recomended,we turned right to have a look,on one side of the road there where two little mini-markets.
I got some Golden Virginia(£ 1-50 a 50g packet)
A bottle of good whisky(£2-50)
We had a look in the Goan Village,looked ok,further down,the road narrowed,some building work was going on.
A huge concrete mixer spewed out concrete on to the ground, a chain of men carried metal bowls of concrete on there heads up a homemade ladder,a woman sat in the dust colected single wayward chippings and put them into little piles to be colected,we walked on hoping to see the river Sal,but three barking dogs had no intention of letting us go any further.
Back on the main street we walked till we came across the" Jai "money exchange.An electrick fan,what a relief,
I asked the chap there if he would change £100 "I only have 50s was his reply,not being used to the money yet I said ok.
A wad about tree inches thick appeared on the counter.I looked at him,he looked at me..we both just bursted out laughing.
He rolled the note and put an elastic band around them.I walked away with what looked like an orange in my pocket.
Time for a drink.We walked down a side street and found a little place.
A scrufy old man appeared,I ordered two drinks and the wife wanted an omelette"no gas" was his reply,so she settled for a cheese and tomato
fifteen mins. latter the drinks appeared as did an omelette"got gas" he smiled.
The heat was getting the better of us now,we could walk no further.
We dicided to go back to the "Goan Village"have a few beers and a look at the menu with the intention of eating there that night.
We were greeted by Joy,he turned out to be a real card.
He supplied us with beer and conversation for the rest of the afternoon,
I suplied him with roll-ups.
We would spend most evenings there,the waiters were entertaining,the food exelent,and its nice to be waited on when on holiday
This A.I. was not for us.
The hotel restaurant began to feel like a works canteen,the hotel bar had no atmosphere,everyone there was happy with there own company.
We began to think our choice of hotel and the heat of the Goan April was working against us.
But tomorrow we have a boat trip in the morning and a beach party in the night.....