Edited by
2007-05-20 16:49:54
Have you tried In ternation Directory Equiries ? 118505 - call costs are £1.50per minute
Kath HT Admin
Unfotunately, there isn't a telephone number here Have you tried In ternation Directory Equiries ? 118505 - call costs are £1.50per minute
Kath HT Admin
Hope you get in contact with your sister, I will be going to Torremolinos on Tuesday if thats any help to you, hope you get in contact soon and once again good luck.
Depending on the nature of the emergency and your suspicions, you may want to contact the British Consulate in Malaga on 952 352300, or the Local Police in Torremolinos on 952 381422.
Good luck, hope everything turns out to be okay.
thank you everyone for your help youve all been very supportive and helpful. She has been found and is in no danger. so can every1 please disregard this topic as the person we've been trying to contact has been contacted and the person missing, found, thank you all so much for your support.
Thats brilliant news Colin,