Part of Turkey is in Europe, but the greater part is in Asia. Please remember to take out supplementary health insurance as Turkey does NOT count as being in Europe for EC reciprocal health care. Your EHIC is INVALID.
For travel insurance Turkey is "USUALLY" classed as Europe, just ensure its in the included destinations on your policy.
I have always booked worldwide insurance and only recently realised I could save alot of money buy just purchasing European cover as I had just assumed it would not be included as its not actually part of the EU.
I think the confusion comes from the use of 'Europe' or 'EU' - Turkey is not in the EU but MOST insurance companies treat it as being in Europe, especially the coastal holiday resorts. Still, it is always best to just ask the question.
Check the insurance for the paragliding in Olu D. (If that's the one where folk jump of babagad mountain?) We were told by reps that no travel insurance policy covers it so Thomson would not sell it as a trip. If you wanted to book you had to do it with the guys in the town, they all offer it.
I know you have the answer for insurance purposes but the geographical answer, as already said Turkey spans the two continents the dividing line is the Bosporus a Strait which joins the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara. To the West its European Turkey and to the East its Asiatic Turkey.
This confused me as well when I first went to turkey,but for travel insurance, insureandgo told me it was under europe,as is Tunisia, although it is in Africa,I wanted to make sure we was covered.
WG - interesting bit of info. there. I have never heard of the place so, of course, will have to look it up because I am nosey. Sorry, Briar, I know it's but thought it was only polite to reply.
Just to clear up my orginal post Turkey extends about 80 miles to the west of the Bosporus and has 4 administration area's over that side of the Water. Its that bit which is Europe.