I have to agree with Sma and others
I think it is a blinkin cheek to ask anyone to help pay for the honeymoon, well I actually think it is taking the

and I wouldn't be too happy at contributing towards it, but it doesn't surprise me at all, some of these young uns today have some high expectations ....just as long as someone else is paying for it.
When my oldest boy got married they had been living together for a few years and just about everything in the house, (including the house itself) was less than 2 years old, there was nothing that they wanted. People were racking their brains at coming up with suggestions of what to buy them.
It would have been pointless buying them anymore bedding, towels and such like, as they had plenty and they are forever changing the colour scheme, I think they both have a fetish for decorating and the smell of gloss paint.
The wedding itself was a very low-key affair with around 25 close family members having a 3 course meal and work colleagues invited later to a buffet.
My son had been married before and as we had already paid for one wedding only a few years earlier, I certainly was not going to pay for another one and all credit to them both, they never asked us too or expected us too....they paid for everything.
The second wedding was IMO better than the first one, it was more family orientated and this might sound sloppy, but you could see and feel the love between them. The first wedding was too plastic and bling.
They had to get married in the Register Office because of his divorce, but then we went to the local church for a blessing, then off for the meal and then later party time with family and friends.
They didn't have a honeymoon, they had concentrated on building a home with their money, so they spent a couple of nights in a hotel in York and then went back to work.
Like Sma I did the flowers and the brides father made the 3 tier wedding cake, the only concession (if that is the right word to use), was the bride having not been married before, she wanted an ivory coloured wedding dress and the trimmings, which she hired for the day.
When faced with what to do about presents, they said there is nothing that they wanted and this kindda put the guests in a quandary and made some feel uncomfortable, so having just built a conservatory on the back of the house they had seen a cane suite for this conservatory in Argos which they were saving up for and IF people wanted to buy them Argos gift vouchers, then they would be very grateful"¦if not, just come to the wedding and hope/pray this one lasts longer than the previous one.
The second wedding cost nothing anywhere near what the first one had cost and a fat lot of good the first honeymoon had been, in the end.
So far so good, they are as happy as pigs in muck.