I've been pondering about taking a last minute trip as early as next Monday. This is very dependant on the information I get back from you guys so please don't pull any punches.
I'm planing and holidaying by myself and since I've never done this before I'm hoping that I'm not about to jump into the deep end!
First and foremost I've not been inoculated. Is this a serious issue? or can I get these done in the next few days. Or would it be better to delay the trip?
2. Where should I look for my holiday. I'm currently looking at teletext holidays site and there are a few nice deals albeit 2* but its for two weeks. The main problem is these prices are based on two people going and I'm on my own. I don't want to spend to much on a mid year holiday as I've plans to go away a few more times this year.
3. Being 28 I'd like to go to an area that has a nice mix of people, not too quiet...Relaxing by day and the potential to let my hair down in the eve.
4. I've seen some people have just payed for flights only and then source accomodation upon arrival. Is this wise? Are there cost benefits of doing it this way?
I eagerly await your replies and hope that I can go to Goa soon!
Thanks in advance.