Cheap and very very nasty. Having used Airports throughout the WORLD I think Prestwick International is up amongst the worst place to depart or to arrive. Firstly the facilities are sparse, cold and unwelcoming, Then through the security, WARNING don't, Just DONT say anything to these people, They are hyper and looking for ANY excuse to stop you boarding your flight, If you manage to run the gauntlet of these persons you will enter a shopping area, Well sort off, No bigger than some convenient stores, Then the Cafe/Bar Very expensive, More so than major Airports of Manchester/Liverpool or Gatwick. and so called Departure lounge, again cramped with hard seating, Everything is over priced except the Newspapers and mags. but you want a can of Coca Cola, Sorry cant have, but you can have three for about £4.50. (Less than a pound outside) Then the real test of your strength, The GATE to the departure corridor, Guarded by Ladies and sometimes boys in pink shirts. "Stand in line" you will be ordered, "No reading in the queue Pay attention" Wow your back in the school playground once more. Weigh your hand luggage, One bag per passenger, "Excuse me, your camera has to go in your bag, Yes and your bum bag that's got to go in as well. now bring it to MY scales so I can charge you of it is a gram overweight" Oh yes they get a share of all money they can extract from you at the gate, If you have negotiated that without loosing your cool, Then the long walk to the Aircraft, Out into the open with the biting wind sweeping the airfield, Queues to board and everyone freezing by this stage. On the Aircraft eventually and a seat at last. Relaxed, No not really, You may need to return and that's even worse.
I found some the staff just doing their jobs but they are the cleaners and shop assistants, The Prestwick ground staff are consumed with power and the desire to give passengers the most hassle and discomfort as is humanly possible. You could complain, But no matter how valid your complaint would be, These Ayrshire people always stick together.
My advice, Leave or arrive at Glasgow or Edinburgh, Prestwick may be cheaper, If you get away at all., We will pay the little extra and use a major airport in future.