Parky and Sokin,
I reckon you have captured it perfectly.
I took a late break in Gouves (Sep 04) via Teletext with Golden Sun who went bankrupt half way through the holiday. I was astounded to find at the subsequent meeting (Golden Sun, ABTA rep, Hotelier and Guests) that the agreement Golden Sun had with its Hotels/Apts/Studios was that payments were made 3 months in arrears and that the Hoteliers were receiving payment for May in August, June in September, July in October etc. Golden Sun were sitting on the monies paid by the holiday makers and collecting the profit in interest! In the case of the place I stayed the owner was apparrantly owed 50,000.00 Euro by Golden Sun, implication being that some Golden Sun Director was sat on a beach in Rio counting his dosh whilst a Hotelier prepared for a cold winter and unable to meet mortgage payments!
The Hotel/Apt Union referred to should at the start of each contract/season take a more robust stand against the Tour Operators, us holiday makers should also take a stand and vote with our feet, the words nose, cutting, face and spite spring to mind here however but I dont know any other way!
What is clear is that the owners do get less, we pay more and the Tour Operator takes a greater wedge!
I am afraid to say it but the only way the message will be delivered would be to boycot, we would suffer as we lose the quirky quaintness we love about Greece, the Hoteliers would suffer and the Tour Operator would raise its prices initially to cover its losses before making mass redundancies in August and September ......... but then what are the alternatives:
1. Bulgaria for a 14 night AI deal for £350.00 pp - To eat boiled pigs fat and chips, with Mafioso Hoteliers, run the risk of inprisonment for a crime we did not commit, suffer the Bulgarian weather were if its raining dont worry as it might change to being dry but cold in the next 5 minutes.
2. Spain - To see the worst of British Youth, eat sausage and chips, have a real "Sunday Dinner" in the Union Jack British Pub, we may as well go to Blackpool
3. Turkey - Prices rocketing there too.
I wonder what would be the result if Stelios started doing flights at £30.00 return to Heraklion and Chania where accommodation was booked direct by the traveller? Would the Hoteliers/Owners hike up the prices for a 14 night stay?
I wonder what would happen if the small owners broke away from the owners of the big hotels and formed their own Union!