In January 2006 I booked 10 days at the Excelsior Bay Hotel (Lake Garda) via Dilos Holiday World, for September this year.
A deposit was taken from my Mastercard, with advice from Dilos that the balance would be taken in July.
The balance was, in fact, debited to my credit card later in January.
It was then that I googled DILOS HOLIDAY WORLD and found this site.
Numerous Emails to Dilos (**Edmin edit name removed) followed. Waste of time!
My questions were never answered satisfactorily .
My advice to anyone else is not to waste time emailing the company.
I contacted the hotel by Email and by phone. Eventually my booking appeared on their system.
Just in case I get to the hotel and find that my room has not been paid for I wrote to my credit card company and asked them two questions with regard to the Consumer Credit Act of 1974.
Below is the last paragraph of their reply:
'If you were to arrive at the hotel and find that Dilos have not paid for your stay the Bank would then be able to pursue a refund on your behalf for services not rendered by Dilos Holiday World. Also, if you were to cancel the booking as per the retailer's Terms and Conditions and was the due a refund, as long as you have a cancellation number to show that you cancelled correctly, this office could pursue a refund on your behalf should the retailer not process it themselves.'
The bottom line now is that I intend to continue with the holiday with the apparent 'strength' of the credit card company behind me.
If only DILOS HOLIDAY WORLD had not taken the balance of my payment 6 months early I would probably never have had the need to investigate them and then find this site.
My advice to anyone else is to steer well clear of them!
(Will update this site after the September holiday)