Hi, just joined after reading other peoples problems with Kosmar. So I'm hoping for a little help with my problem!
Booked with Kosmar May/June 2005 for eight of us to go to apartments in Lesvos. In December 2005 I found out (via another site) that Kosmar had no contract with these apartments for 2006. So we immediately changed our accommodation and received confirmation of our new apartments from Kosmar. We arrived in Lesvos in August of this year to be told that we had all been moved to other apartments (studios as it turned out) for "contractural reasons". We had no choice but to accept these apartments, although complained immediately to the rep and filled in a complaint form. THe reasons for our complaint were as follows:-
1. the new studios were of a lower standard with none of the facilities of the original apartments.
2. the new studios were in a completely different resort.
3. the studios were for a maximum of three people only, but we had to sleep four in one of them (2 adults and 2 children - the other four were teenagers).
4. the studios were in the centre of the resort (ie noisy), whereas the original were outside the resort.
5. Kosmar were still selling holidays to the original apartments - we found out a couple booked a last minute holiday to them during our second week there - our rep told us "a room has become available".
6. Kosmar were still selling holidays to these original apartments in September/October of this year.
7. we had an eleven hour delay with Excel coming home.
We wrote to Kosmar on our return asking for an explanation and compensation. They replied with a four paragraph explanation regarding the flight delay, but nothing with regards the change of accommodation, but they did offer us £20 per person! We wrote a second letter listing our complaints and asking for another explanation. We received a further reply saying that they were very sorry we were unhappy with their reply, and apologised for our disappointment!
We wrote again saying that we would take them to court if we had not heard from them within two weeks with an explanation and a better offer of compensation. Today we received a reply saying "they have been keeping a close eye on this matter and would like to thank us for our continued patience".
What a joke. What annoys us, as with a lot of people, we have to save up all year for our only holiday and choose it carefully, and Kosmar don't seem to care at all that they have broken their contract with us. We would have lost a lot of money had we cancelled our contract with them!!
Anyway, any help or comments would be much appreciated.
Happy New Year to you all.
I can't offer any help or advice on your situation other than to do what 22 of us have done after a Kosmar disaster. NEVER EVER will we book with them again. They wrecked our holiday 2 years ago and we were never compensated, nor did we receive an apology. Yes, their prices are reasonable but they do not fulfil their duties to the public. Anne
Thanks Anne. We haven't booked with Kosmar next year!! Carrie
Kosmar have obviously broken their contract with you ie different resort is classed as a major change for a start. Plus you were put in accommodation not suitable for the size of your party.
They put us in the grottiest apartments at the back of the complex which we were told by a local were not even part of Ioli village. kosmar just didn,t want to know and after a lot of letter writing we just gave up but swore we would never travel with them again.
We wrote again saying that we would take them to court if we had not heard from them within two weeks with an explanation and a better offer of compensation.
When did you file your claim in your local County Court?
Golden rule number 1........never threaten court action if you are unprepared to follow through.
To do so weakens the case of fellow passengers who also fall foul of these same Tour Operators.
Do ring Ros after the 8th. If you don't your threat (above) is worthless and you WILL NOT receive due recompense. Let Ros advise you if you have a case. I'm no expert, but can agree with Glynis......you HAVE a case.
Thanks for your comments. Have no doubt we will be following this through - requested forms from Court already! We will of course speak to Ros on the 8th before submitting our claim to court. These companies should not be allowed to get away with it! Will keep you updated.
Feedback is extremely useful to us all - my advice is based very much on my own experiences and researches but there's no substitute for the real results (or failures) reported by you and everyone else.
Have a great New Year (everyone).
Just an up-date. Spoke to Ros (or someone in her office) today, 8th Jan. They are sending me some forms with all the information they need regarding our complaint, and will look at it for us. So, watch this space!!
Glad to hear you have contacted Ros, I hope everything gets sorted for you.
good luck and thanks for keeping us informed
Carry on Carrie, and thanks for keeping us updated.
Wishing you the very best of luck.
Thanks so much for your support!
Only travelled once with Kosmar, about 5 years ago, I think I was one of the lucky ones.
Hope you have a good outcome.
Mary x
I've done three Kosmars in the last two years (pre XL) and had great service. I've just booked up with them for May. So far I can't fault them, but nevertheless they seemed to have let customers down lately on this forum.
I do hope all goes well with your holiday in May. In fact we have always booked our holidays with Kosmar and never had a problem until last year, and as a regular customer we were shocked by their customer service and attitude to us. Anyway, happy holidays - although looking at our weather here probably best to stay put!!

Whoops, sorry Robby, spelt your name wrong

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