The rules are pretty much as over here in the UK. You can build on Green belt if you have enough land to manage and receive planning consent.
The homes featured on the programme would probably have been OK if they had enough land but, as they were built so close to eachother and on small plots they became subject to the Rustica laws.
Just as in Greece within a town or village you are allowed to build to the limmits of the plot. Outside towns and villages the plot has to be much larger and the percentage of the build is subject the area of the plot.
I do feel the local administration should have been tougher on the builders before they completed and not allowed the sales to go through.
I see your point regarding land size and build etc. But in the program they were looking at pulling down the full urbanization of Villas as it was Rustic land, which again, is similar to the Uk as you mention.
But if they were pulling the Villas down because there was to much development in scale size of villa to land size as you say, then why didn't they come to an agreement where they only knocked down say one in every three? That would be pretty drastic for the ones losing their Villa but the urbanisation could have come to an agreement where the ones losing the villas were compensated and although the ones left would have effectively paid more for their Villas, at least they would not lose their money as they would recover the costs as prices rose. The fact that they didn't or couldn't says a different story.
Which is why I always say it and always will, get independant legal advice before you part with any cash. I am still amazed how people get taken in by these well organised crooks and feel that nothing can go wrong.

The majority of properties that appear on these programmes seem too good to be true.
Has anybody noticed how many people actually go ahead and purchase one of the featured properties?
Not many.
Interesting viewing though.
I have been given information on some beach front apartments and they look great. Price is from £29000 which is obviously very tempting!!!!
The area is about one hour from Kuala Lumpur but I do not have any information on structure of Country or anything. I have heard some negatives but I suppose you get that with everything in life!!!
Any good info would be most welcome.
Why hasnt anyone said BULGARIA?
They join EU in 2007, and still very cheap. 2 Bed Apt in Sunny Beach for under £30,000!

We have spent roughly about £80,000 (or a bit less) and have lots of land and a 7 bedroomed, 2 bathroomed, villa with domes and towers (looks like a castle), with lovely views of the countryside and the sea, in Tunisia
Wow Ben, that sounds like a real bargain. Do you use it as your main home or as a holiday home? Would love to see some pictures if you have any?
Does anyone have any information on any reputable realtors in the Orlando area? Has anyone purchased recently? Are there any pitfalls to look out for? Just any general guidance or advice would be really appreciated.
Wouldn't advise going through the UK agents. Its best to get a buyers agent (no cost to you). If you buy new an agent can even save you more than going direct to the developer. some bargain re-sales at the moment as there is a glut of property and many are finding it hard to rent out. I have a place on the gulf coast and tax and insurance have increased sharply over the last 2 years or so.
CHI Group Inc
7380 Sandlake Road, Suite 500
Orlando Fl 32819
Tel 407-352-5239
Fax 352-243-6654
We used this lady to sell. All agents advertise properties on one list so you can see all properties for sale. From a selling point of view the commission paid was split between agents so presumed buyer did not pay this.
Do not believe what they tell you about rental percentages!
Link activated by Beachcomber_Bar_Mojacar
let me pick ya brains if i may lol
hubby will be inheriting some money soon and the idea came about of buying an apartment in Bulgaria ?!
ive done a little bit of research but any tips / website links etc you could give me would be mucho appreciated

who did you buy your property with?
ive seen apartments for sale for 20 k ! what would be the "real" price ,once you add on all the fees etc etc ?
My friend has purchase some land with a group of friends and they are building apartments near the mountains. They reckon this will be a good area for growth as apparently they are looking at increasing tourism for this sport.
I spoke to another friend and he told me that he would be buying an apartment here as he saw it as having great potential. So that could be worth a look for you.
I am sorry but at the time of posting I do not know the name of the reagion they are building or what the apartment complex is called but just thought this general information may help you. It does sound intersting and different to the "beach" apartments which evrybody goes for. I will be looking at this myself so if I find out the details I will post them if I am allowed to.

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