No problem whatsoever
Most Indian guys in the shacks are by nature, friendly and curious, and I'm sure they'll ask her about it - who did it? how much? (especially how much!) and loads of other questions but they will also put her at ease so long as she's friendly with them.
The barbers over there are great - she may even come back with a better one!
Thank you trainrobber and roma. you have set my mind at ease.
Afraid it's nothing as exotic as that - just a play on "Roamer" because I like to roam about!
My mistake Roma.
barrie! are you gypsy stock?
Goangirl. Yes I am, I have not lived "the life" since 17years of age. My parents are now both dead (God save their souls) but they "lived the life" until they were quite old.
Speaking about gypsy stock I was reading the other day that they might have originated in India and infact that some of words are very similar to Hindustani... like water and knife.... pani & churi.
Yes thats true, there are many words in Romany that are the same as, or similar to Hindi. There are also words that have been picked up on their long journey into Europe, from many other languages. No one will ever know for sure where we really originated. I consider myself to be English through and through as my family have been here for hundreds of years.
as this has gone way off topic and the original query has been answered I am going to lock now. You can of course use the pm to continue

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