When you go through Qudico for Quickrooms now it has a pop up box informing you that if you use a discount code of any sort you will not get Quidco cashback........I guess it's caused them some headaches recently.
Also be very aware of Quickrooms and the cashback sites, they seem to be one of the sneaky merchants who inflate the price when you go via the Quidco link or other cashback sites.
I have a running complaint filed with Qudico at the moment who say "this can't be, it doesn't happen" sorry but it does and Quickrooms are not the only offenders. My example meant that going via Quidco inflated the price I'd got through Quickrooms direct by over £400 on a accomm booking for 4 people last month
I used Great Late Deals via Quidco and got slightly less cashback but a much better price and it was tracked and validated very quickly.