Following this post, I'm pleased you have kept us informed of the situation.
Yes, there are people in this world who think because they have a badge, they are the voice of "Authority"
I'm sure the situation you have described, did take place, although I think proving this will be somewhat difficult.
That being said, you must follow through your complaint through to the end.
The employee concerned my have a reputation with her employer for this type of "Outburst"
I'm surprised the chief purser of the flight did not become involved in this situation, especially if the person concerned was being somewhat aggressive.
There are certain steps you can take, write to the police dept in the Dominican (should be able to obtain their address from the web) try and find out, how or why they became involved, and who involved them.
Ask for an explanation from the airline, why you was refused boarding so far in advance of your departure flight.
If you were declined due to putting an aircraft in danger, you need confirmation from them that your details have not appeared on any list.
If you believe "A Miscarriage of Justice" (bit strong) has taken place, you need to get as many officials involved as possible.
As I stated, proving your case may be somewhat difficult, if you do not receive your initial outlay for your return trip home together with adequate compensation, the end result would be to take your case to the small claims court. (This is the route I would take)
The cost is low, and the decision is binding.
Do not go round in circles with this, i.e. you writing & disagreeing with their version of accounts, followed by them disagreeing with you.
Give them a specific time scale when you expect the matter to be resolved, or you will take legal proceedings through the courts if required.
All this information, will support your case in court, should it reach that stage, the judge will want to see you have given them every opportunity to rectify this prior to attending court.
Send any correspondence by registered post.
Prior to any payout, if their was to be one, their intention would be to let this drag itself out for as long as possible.
Do not involve agencies like ABTA; you would be far better off with an independent intermediate.
Perhaps if we had the correct story we might, just might, be more able to accept your tale.
I have yet to meet a drunk - and with that amount of alcohol in your system and reduced oxygen content I doubt your tale of "YOU - and think about that but before rushing into a reply - being quiet and polite is quite correct.
And then YOU were refused a flight back.
There is more to this story than we are being told. From a very reliable source I have information to that effect.
thanks for you reply, very helpful, sounds like an option i will pursue
where have you got your information from and perhaps you would like to share it with the rest of us.
Thanks for your reply jd123. I don't think I have any constructive criticism, but can you confirm that you did buy the bottle on board the aircraft. and that no-one told you that you couldn't open it once you had bought it?

you cannot make a statement like that without backing it up with facts!
i am sure we all eagerly await your reply
madsue- yes i confirm that i bought the bottle on board the aircraft, it was announced on the PA system "only alcohol bought on board the aicraft may be consumed". I feel this is quite misleading i wonder if there are any other people who have unknowingly made the same mistake. This was an innocent act of saving money.
Perhaps disclosing all such information compromises this anonimity.
FWH - you may wish to check - in confidence - with our Admin team first before posting the requested "elaboration".
MarkJ HT Mod

"Take legal advice by all means if you wish. Here on HT we can only express personal opinions.
A point you should consider before spending money on this however, is the negative publicity applying to people who have been prosecuted for being "under the influence of alcohol" on board an aircraft.
Here on HT we can only express personal opinions"
Well, fwh you state," From a very reliable source I have information to that effect"
fwh stick to what you post, and not express what appears to be "a vested interest"
fwh, unless you were a witness to the incident, then your "reliable source" account is only hear say.
A court deals with FACTS, not hear say!
Quote: "here on holiday truths we can only express personal opinions"
that was yesterday!
Today you have information from a reliabiable source?
confused I am!!!
As the topic is now seriously getting "off topic", may I ask all to give advice to the member who posed the original question.
Many thanks
MarkJ HT Mod
I think the dilema for me for example have probably been on over 100 flights (both charter and schedule)
and have never seen someone buy a litre bottle of spirits from the trolley and proceed to drink it on board. I dont feel there is any ambiguity on this.
In fact there was a question on HT recently someone asking if it was acceptable behaviour and the replys were 'no'.
It's a breach of the terms and conditions you fly under.
Therefore IMHO my advice to the poster is that he/she will get nowhere with this. But would be inbterested to here the outcome as its a lively debate.
PS I would also like FWH to expand his post as he gives very solid and considered advice.
i think you need to reread my fifth post which explains what mislead me to drink my duty free on board. But purchasing a bottle of vodka did not warrant my subsequent treatment.
I have re-read all your posts and I agree the purchase of the duty free in itself is not a problem. However I feel the decanting and of drinking of it on board is the problem and the member of staff were within their right to challenge you on this.
How do they know you wouldn't have done the same on the return flight?
How can you be sure that no other passengers complained about your behaviour?
People accept that they have to pay bar prices on board aircraft. With cheap air travel it is one of the ways airlines can make money and help keep other costs down. You have a choice, pay properly for a couple of drinks or drink soft drinks/water. Other passengers might not have liked you 'bucking the system' when they had paid through the nose. If you were asleep, how do you know that someone didn't complain?
What were the other 3 people doing during the debarkle? I think you have encountered an over zealous member of staff trying to do their sometimes difficult job.
The passengers side of the story may be very different than that of the stewardess.
I cannot see the captain radioing ahead just because some one has had a few drinks from a plastic cup full of vodka.
I think there is more here than is being told.
I have to agree with FWH
Thanks for the pm FWH.

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