Well, I'm sitting in the hotel bar waiting for my taxi (it's a long wait as I don't fly for another 6 hours).
As I said in previous posts, Moscow is a wonderful city and the only complaint I have is the temperatures. Nothing surprising in the fact that it was -17 deg C yesterday, but this Cairo homeboy doesn't handle the cold as well as he used to. I think my next visit here will be in the summer months, at least I'll be able to go outside without looking like the Michelin man.
Prices are still ridiculous and our hotel bill for the week was somewhere in the region of 2200 GBP. OK, we hit the bar, restaurant and room service with a gusto, but hey it's still a bit steep (by the way, I can recommend the Presidential Suite of the Marriot Tverskaya, it's a snip at 320 a night).
As far as Hogmany went, I can recommend Moscow to anyone. All my life I have dreamed of visiting strange and exotic places, finally I have started to achieve this. Red Square was a once in a lifetime experience and it has fuelled a desire to try this in Times Square for this year.
Another plus was the sales have started, so TSUM and GUM less of my hard earned cash this visit. For those HT's with serious shoppers in their family, Moscow is well worth a visit. The woman of your life can find any amount of designer outlets in both stores. So if you are a shopper, this is the place for you.
Food-wise the variety was fantastic, Moscow really is becoming very cosmopolitan. Of course, we didi Hard Rock (purely for the T-shirts) and we also ahd a chance to visit a Ukranian restaurant called Shinok and it was something else. Probably the best black pudding I have ever tasted and the atmosphere was brilliant.
As this was our 2nd visit, we didn't bother too much with the touristy stuff, but I did get a chance to travle on a tram (the better half refuses to entertain the Metro).
On the down side, the Russians treat jan 1 to 6 as a holiday so some things are not available.
I don't know if I will do New Year in Moscow again, but I'm so glad that I did.
OK, need to go. I've got Hogmany 2008 in the Big Apple to plan and I need to start soon.