Do you think if this implemented it will lead to a increase in food and drink prices on the beaches
depends on how much they reduce them by and even then if it was reduced could lead to lower prices, ie the shacks are getting more visitors due to less of them so rather than sticking prices up they could reduce them and look at the volume.
Hi its a threat that happens every year to get more money from the shack owners. If they can afford a substantial bribe they are allowed to have there shack! At least that is what our shackowner of 10 years and many bribes informs me
As usual the Government have left this to the very last minute. I wonder if it will ever dawn on them that October/November is just a little bit too late to be deciding these matters. I suppose that this means that the shacks will be erected late again this year. Still at least the Police will get their backhanders from those operating without a licence. Until they knock them down and burn them of course.
This happens every year, the Goan Goverment does'nt really deserve a tourist industry as they appear year on year to put obstacles in it's way. As usual a lot of shack owners will take a chance and build without any of the paperwork and pay the bribe/fine if forced to. At the end of the day the same ammount of shacks will be there as normal ,the owners and staff will be hassled and fined/bribed, some who dont pay will get their shacks smashed, it's not the recommended way to run a tourist industry but as bribery & corrupton appears endemic in the whole of the Sub Continent I dont think it will ever change Alan
I agree with you Gramps, Goa has a tourist industry in spite of the Goan Government, not beacause of it. When you read about the chaos at the visa surgeries, it is a wonder that anyone can be bothered to go to India. I am going to Edinburgh to get the visas for 7 of us in a few weeks. Over the years thay have claimed that you can only apply for visas for family members and refused to accept forms printed from the HCI in London, forcing everyone to complete new forms. Then they announced that if a person was not present to sign the new forms, then no visa would be issued. Why do we bother? Well I know really!!
Last year the government charged 35,000 - this year it's up to 50,000
There are a few shacks operational now in the CSM area, they operate on private land and pay rent to a landlord; I wonder when the government are going to cotton on to this and start charging them a tax on top of the rent that they pay to the landlord.
One shack owner that I spoke to reckons it's going to be December before the lottery is done and the licences granted.
GFF xx
in reply to you sandyboy, i picked up our visas in Edinburgh yesterday and the forms we filled in were downloaded with the london headings on it, i had to fill out the Edinburgh headed forms there and then and signed my wifes form myself, nothing like her signature but i still managed to come away with the visas for both of us, but certainly there was no way of anyone getting visas for friends. the guy who works there is seemingly new and is setting down his own rules. Previously we have sent london headed forms to Edinburgh and had no problems
Bobbsy, the exact same thing happened to me last year. They had just introduced forms specifically for edinburgh, so these will b eneeded from now on.
A friend today said exactly the same as GFF, normally you would see 1 or 2 shacks up at this time of year,, but it seems as if they won't know if a licence has been granted until sometime in November, as well as the increace in cost. It is all a bit crazy as the season seems to be staring earlier, and tourism is the biggest income here.
The saga rumbles on and on and the first Monarch charters are due, what a complete shambles ( as usual )
Gramps link not working, poss comma instead of dot after www
You are right of course Lin, it's just that I'm not very computer literate!! Alan
was anyone in Goa about 98/99 when there were no shacks in Candolim?Calungute/Baga over the Christmas period?? The shacks are part of the beach and without them Goa isnt Goa
We,ve been in Goa several times over the last 20 years or so where there has been no, or hardly any shacks, other times, no sun beds, the thought of going back to lying on the sand again does not appeal to me one bit. More stuff today in the Goan press about the licence carry on, the bottom line is shambles as usual, We're due out in two weeks for our first short stay so it looks like we may be on the sand after all !!! I remember once in the early 90s paying 250rps at Baga for a couple of sun beds and at that time the rate was about 65rps=£1 !!! Alan
Gramps: 250 rps

I agree with Goanluv, its just not the same without them.

The absence of them affected the enjoyment of our days on the beach a lot.

Ganesh says he already has his under construction along with his friend James shack,whatever the outcome they will be going up.
Now the Goverment is backtracking, mabey I'll have a sunbed after all!!

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