Holiday Complaints

Do you have a holiday complaint? For help and advice post in here.
First of all welcome to HT - you will find lots of people who are happy to help anyone with a problem, although we do tell it as it is.

Having got it off your chest the question is what do you want to do about it? It is obvious from what you say that Regal did not supply what they were contracted to do. In some cases people feel that they have had enough hassle and simply write it off as a bad experience, others feel strongly enough that they wish to seek some redress. The statement below will give you some guidance.

The aim of this section of the holiday-truth website is to enable holidaymakers to get advice and assistance as soon as possible on any holiday complaints or problems encountered.

Our members will be able to offer you advice on how best to deal with your holiday complaints and how to deal with the Tour Operators. However please remember that this will be non qualified advice. We therefore suggest you seek professional assistance from someone qualified in Travel Law.

We have teamed up with Ros Fernihough, Travel Law Solicitor, to provide the best information available.

Ros has offered our members free impartial legal advice. Please note that Ros does not read or post on this board any contact to her must be made via :-

The direct number to Ros's PA Pam is 01922 705134

Or try the switchboard number 01922 633214 and ask for Travel Dept.

Apart from your bad experience caused by someone else what was the rest of the holiday like. Why not post a review so others can see. Browse through the various sections and find out what others have to say about other destinations you may be considering, or perhaps you can help someone else with a problem.

Would never use Regal Holidays again. Bad service from the very start originally booked to fly from Liverpool John Lennon to Dalaman but with 2 weeks to go before flying out we were contacted and told that aircraft size had been changed and we had been moved to the flight from Manchester later on the same day. Had originally booked flight as we live in Liverpool and it is much easier for us. Did get £30 refund for this inconvenience, but we were contact twice by the company to tell us this as apparently our paperwork was sitting on a desk to be actioned and had not been actioned from the first time they spoke to us. Also had only received confirmation email and no other information but after much pressing they finally emailed details to us and said that they would also post but never recieved in the post so luckly we had received the email details. Even though we were told when originally booking holiday tickets would be send in post had to collect from the airport.

Arrived in Dalaman to find that even though we had booked a transfer no one there. Double checked on email information that we received and yes did state transfer booked. After waiting at the airport and being the last people at the airport after all pick ups from our flight were done asked around and got impression from asking staff at a booth that sorts out transfers that this happens regularly - tried contact phone numbers that were on the informaiton paperwork that we received from the company and neither the normal contact number and emergency contact number worked. Eventually got a taxi from the airport to the hotel which cost us £60 but what can you do when you are at an airport with no other opition, did optain a receipt which we hoped to get money back from rep when we arrived in resort. Arrived at hotel Marcan and did have a room - thankfully!! - spoke to very helpful staff at the hotel and they said that they have never seen the rep for Regal Holidays. Hotel very helpful and we arranged a transfer back to the airport with them - £40. Had a look on the boards in the hotel for any information from Regal Holidays but none displayed. We did have a great holiday after a very shaky start!!!

Would never ever use this company again and would advise everyone not to use them in the future. :(
We have further discussion about Regal Holidays in our Tour Operators forum, please click here.

David :wave
Quick update Its been over the seven days I gave them to respond and guess what ha ha NO ANSWER NO RESPONSE WHATSOEVER,what a bad company
I think they have 14 days to reply.....if my memory serves me right.

We went to Marmaris for a weeks holiday in June 2008 having booked a 4star hotel on the beach front next to the harbour, it was a hotel we knew and as my wife was recovering from a pace maker being fitted, the hotel was ideally placed so she didn't have far to walk to any of the amenities. On arrival at Marmaris we were told the hotel was overbooked and we had been moved to a hotel away from the beach and not within walking distance of anywhere we wanted, we were told it was an up grade!!! we were virtually imprisoned for a week and all subsequent written complaints have been ignored, the well trained staff have told lie upon lie, when I managed to speak to someone, and the complaints procedure advertised by them is not worth the space it occupies. There is nothing Regal about this company,they are only interested in getting your money and hope you will not follow up any complaint if they ignore you, I am not for turning and will be taking them to the small claims court for breach of contract, hopefully any press which arises from the case will deter others from using them.
Lucky it wasn't me I only live 20 mins drive from their offices in welling kent, I would of been banging down the door and refused to be budged until something was done, failing that a trip to the small claims court. I am sure as soon the summons arrived at their offices they would get themselves into gear.
Still no reply I am now going to take legal action,has anyone got the email address of Ros Fernihough.
Regards Gary
the contact numbers for Ross are reproduced about 6 post up this page

I have a 2 days business meeting and will be unable to contact her immediately by telephone,thats why i asked for her email address
Sorry Gaz but we don't have an email address for Ros. If you give the number a ring I am sure her PA can give it to you.

Thanks Sarah,

I have now been in touch with Ros and if anybody wants to no the outcome let me know otherwise we can close the post.


Gaz we would all like to know the outcome if you don't mind, its always nice to here how our members have got on.

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