There are more than 50 hotels & apartments in Icmeler, Marmaris.
People sometimes are confused with the locations of them as the google maps show different and multiple locations, sometimes hotels are located on the sea.
Below you may see the correct locations of the hotels in Icmeler and also see their photos. All in one page.
Hope it may be useful for your travel plans. Have a nice Marmaris holidays.
Icmeler hotel map
Merged with existing topic. Dazbo HT Mod
Thought this site may be useful for those going to Olu Deniz, enjoy!

all we need now is smellyvision

I've found a picture of the hotel on google maps but can't seem to pinpoint the location.
Any help or links would be greatly appreciated.
This is a useful one for you from the Hisaronu forum, the Carmina is adjacent to the Tolay (hover over it), I assume you can find the Hisar easily enough if you have stayed there as it doesn't seem to be marked.
Your map has been updated i think as Karacan Beach is not on the new map it is now called Dora .
Just thought i would say incase people are looking for it !
Does anyone know where i can find a map of Antalya, going to the Topkapi Palace in October, thank you
Can anyone tell me where I can find Club Alize on the map.
I'm assuming you are using the map that Gunny posted right at the very beginning of this thread (photobucket).
Go to the bottom left hand side of this map and look for the Blue Bays Hotel. This hotel sits on the main Marmaris to Icmeler road. From there you can see part of the main road heads North (up the page) and bends round to the right. You should be on Yunus Nadi Cad. You will see the name of a hotel called the Blue Palace Hotel, it doesn't sit on this road but where the word 'Blue' is printed is roughly where Club Alize sits on Yunus Nadi Cad. Hope all this makes sense.

Does anyone know of a map of the Turgetreis area (Akyarlar to be precise)?
hi i looked on the map but could not find the kurt apartments anyone know if there is a map i can look at wher these apartments are thanks
I'm still looking for a resort map for Akyarlar or Turgetreis if anyone can help please?
Does anyone know where the Rayon Apartments are on the Marmaris map please?
Hi Michelley2012,
It's difficult to describe where they are as I don't know how well you know Marmaris

They sit on the same road as Club Turquoise and are about a 2 min walk from them. They are quite near Club Julian and they sit on what is probably the border into the Armutalan district. If you know where the Taj Mahal restaurant is then you walk up the road away from the Taj (not towards beach) go all the way up to the T junction and turn right (12 min walk). As I say not sure of your knowledge of the place. They are in a good location in my opinion.

This may have been covered before but does anyone have any maps of Icmeler?
SunSeeker2011 wrote:This may have been covered before but does anyone have any maps of Icmeler?
It's linked on page 1 of this topic, the first post.
found this fab map of marmaris x
Try this

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