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2009-07-23 20:14:53
We have only visited one day from a cruise ship, but I can highly recommend the Blue Lagoon
Bear in mind that as yo u will be going after the Autumn Equinox that the hours of daylight will be noticeably shorter there than here in the UK at that time of year.
Where are you flying from - it's somewhere I rather fancy for a short break myself, and that would be the time of year we'd need to go as well.
Heathrow with Icelandair..there is a so called cheap carrier from my local airport Stansted..but the flights were £800 for the 2 of us...going with Thomas Cook..
Will you put a report on here when you get back please?
Sure will...still hopeful of some more info before we go
also very surreal at the blue lagoon with it being so cold outside.would be interesting to visit again in summer to see the difference.
no luck with northern lights though still did see them on joanna lumley program.
no good offers in shops ..shopkeepers hanging on for best price....though using nationwide card for tours and hotel etc has worked out quite well..anyone need more infor please ask.
Yes there has been an economic crisis in Iceland, but they have got through it and are climbing out the otherside. What it means is that accommodation and eating out is about on a par with the top London prices, but ordinary things like toothpaste, sticking plasters and foodstuffs (especially fruit and veg!) are astronomic in price compared to the UK and Europe.
Iceland is NOT in the EC, and the majority of Icelanders see no reason to join. Which I can understand given that they are self-sufficient in many things such as power, electricity and hotwater, and are not as materialistic as folk in Europe or the US. They notice what we do, and if it strikes them as worthwhile they take it on board, but if not, they remain independant, free thinkers and kind and welcoming folk. We have MUCH to learn from them about conservation and ecological ways of life.
Do not come here for a 'bargain', but remember that there are more things in life than what you can spend!

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