Hey there i would totally agree with sarah (thanks for the recomendation of my friend aswell!) it is a killer place on foot as there are alot of hills and alot of the roads/pavments are cobbled (not in a bad way but just tiring!
I also would recomend looking for accomodation nearer the centre. As some one else has mentioned the cheaper hotels tend to be nearer to the main train station, (termini) some are good some are dire! Also depending where you are at can be a bit dodgy at night, (pickpockets etc) I must say though when i was over in september this year it doesnt feel as bad as it used to it does seem to have improved a little, i noticed that the metro system has had a bit of an overhaul aswell with some new trains and less pickpockets. (usually gypsy children) if you can find a place which is south of the station towards piazza santa maria maggiore (the church there is well worth a look aswell!) you will be in a good location. i know some people on this site have stayed in hotels along via nationale which is in the same sort of area and been more than happy.
this site looks really good and is what im talking about the locations are fine aswell.
click on here!
hope this helps.
You can get some cracking deals on other parts of town alot of people stay around the spanish steps area which is nice aswell. But i personally prefer to stay around here as i find it very central and its a hub for transport on your doorstep. Also there some good restaurants here aswell one in particular where you can have a 3 course meal for under 12 euros a person including wine and water and its very italian and of the beaten track

if anyone wants to know ill pm the address and directions.
Edited by
2006-11-02 20:52:48