The pool was set at 20C, cold water continually flushing through it, dipped my toes in but wasn't brave enough to go right in.
The clothes are OK from the resort and proper shops, bought some, have since washed them and they are all OK. Was warned not to buy clothes from markets and these are wear once and throw away because no good after washing and are gypsy ripoffs.
All designer labels including bags and watches are fakes but they will tell you that themselves. Hubby bought a "Rolex" for £20 and it's still working OK. I bought "Christian Dior and Chanel" handbags for £15 each. Tshirts and shorts under a fiver. There is a stall at the village selling DVD's for about £3 for new titles, they do play OK at home.
The silver is extremely cheap, bought a lovely bangle for £7. The gold was cheaper than back home but don't get too excited, its still not silly prices. Make sure it has a hallmark. Mostly russian so look for a small anchor.
There was Smirnoff but didn't buy it so don't know the price. We didn't have any trouble with the local makes, if you get the chance try Rakia (its the national tipple, brandy usually made from roses, very moreish but 40% so be careful) The hotel staff don't know the meaning of measures, they just grab a glass, tip up the bottle and you end up with 3 parts spirits to one part mixer. Stop them if you are quick enough or do what I did and get an extra mixer and keep diluting it as you drink it. The beer was up and down, sometimes a nice head and other times a bit flat.
If its still very hot drink LOTS of water so you don't get dehydrated.