I'd suggest you contact Ros Fernihough, Travel Law Solicitor, on 01922 621114 urgently first thing tomorrow morning she will offer you free advice.
Thanks for the reply, its much appreciated but we already have a legal team taking a group action against the hotel and Thomas Cook.
Have been following your thread on Trip Advisor. Hope you get the reply you deserve. Shame on TC!
Thanks for the support and its great to know your following the thread. Im trying to reach out further as we know there were more people taken ill its just a case of finding them now. Thomas Cook are still sending innocent holidaymakers to this hotel and yet someone was rushed in to hospital only a couple of weeks ago but of course its being totally denied by the hotel and Thomas Cook, I just so want to stop other families having to go through what my own family and many other families had to go through. Its just not fair when we all work so hard for our 2 weeks away each year. Im a woman on a mission at the moment and I wont stop until they admit that theres a problem. Anyway thanks for taking the time to post.
I wish you well.
Thankyou so much. Its amazing how many people have contacted me through forums and privately to wish us well, I have emails from as far away as the states and china. Just hope this forum will bring some new sufferers forward and will warn future travellers of this hotel, it is a shame as the hotel on the surface looked beautiful, but somewhere lurking amongst the food is something that could kill the elderly and children and make a normal healthy family like ourselves seriously ill and thats why people need to be warned. Many thanks once again.
I too have been following your post on the TA forums as well since day one. I am also so sad to read the terrible way that the tour operator Thomas Cook has dealt with this situation. You have my support as well. I read more and more everyday, complaints about these all-inclusive hotels and not living up to the brochures details or problems with poor quaility and service. Good luck with your law-suit and let us know how things progress.
Thankyou so so much, when I first started posting, somebody rang Thomas Cook about the safety of the hotel and they were told that this was the work of 1 disgruntled customer, Yes I am disgruntled but that is not the reason I started the forum. I never for one moment when myself and my family chose this holiday thought it could ever end like this and I especially never thought that a huge travel company such as Thomas Cook could ever treat its customers in the disgusting way its treated us, I have always stated that if when we 1st went to them with our complaint they had apologised for our holiday turning out badly and had immediately started to investigate the hotel, that for me would have been the end of it. Instead we have been subjected to being ignored and basically being called liars by Thomas Cook they even made up a story that the "salmonella sufferers all ate out at a local restaurant in side which has now been closed down" That was the biggest untruth I have ever heard and it was actually told to a lady who was travelling to the hotel with a small child and a pregnant woman and she was obviously concerned about the health aspects as Salmonella can kill unborn babies and small children. So yes I suppose I am disgruntled now but only because Thomas Cook are playing with peoples lives here, and this has got to be stopped not just at Club Voyage but anywhere else that travel companies know is unsafe. Thanks once again for the support
I'm sorry to hear your story, really is terrible that TC disregarded your concerns in such a way. Going off topic a bit, but reminds me of when I stayed in Egypt and actually got blamed myself for getting ill,as did others who also got ill, because I "shouldn't have eaten the fruit or meat at meal times"! If the food is likely to cause illness, surely it shouldn't be displayed! Have also got ill in turkey, but the hotel and rep dealt with my problems really well so I didn't feel the need to contact the operator. The travel companies (although not all of them have this problem) really should take more care to respect customers, especially with cases such as yours. Also its horrendous to hear that the pregnant woman could have been put at risk.
Im sorry to hear you went through a similar experience to us. I agree if food is inedible why on earth display it. We chose this 5* Marque of excellence all inclusive hotel as we have 3 children and its sometimes difficult when self catering to find a restaurant that caters for all tastes, we also stupidly thought that if it was 5* we wouldnt have any problems there. A german lady who contracted salmonella was actually told by her tour operator that its impossible to catch salmonella at a 5* resort what total nonsense. I was glad to hear that your reps treated you very well when you became ill in Turkey, unfortunately our reps went into hiding when people started to become sick and Thomas Cook just ignored and lied about the people who suffered. I think or should I say hope that now in the day of the internet that tour operators will stop telling these lies because it is much to easy now for them to be found out and I think sites like holidaytruths & tripadvisor are fantastic for ordinary people like ourselves to be able to tell the truth and expose these companies for what they really are. Thomas Cook have made it more than clear to us that they do not worry about the health and safety of their customers just that they carry on making a profit. Whether the holiday they sell you is a 1* or 5* safety should be their main priority unfortunately as we have found out it is not. Thanks for posting Laura.
gosh we go on holiday with a lot of trust in the tour operaters hoping we have a safe holiday. from wat we have just read makes you think are we in safe hands???
Yes I know it is a worry as we unfortunately have found out the hard way, I dont know if youve read the thread on Tripadvisor if you type in salmonella at club voyage you should find it, there are now approx 250 replies and if you read through it all you,ll see how the tour operator has treated us. If your holiday goes well and you dont need to make a complaint then holiday companies are great but when it gets down to the nitty gritty and you have a bad holiday because of something beyond your control and then you hear that your company is lying to other people about it thats when it hits you that hey you put you and your families lives in their hands each time you travel, Im hoping that with the publicity from this on the internet media etc its going to put a stop to the disgusting way that Thomas Cook have handled this situtation. Most ordinary families like ourselves work and save hard for their holidays and when something like this happens and you get no support from the people you book with it turns from heartbreak to anger. I hope you continue to have happy holidays as Im sure you will but be careful who you book with!!!

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