Yip, fun!! Altho, looking like the other girl's will all have bf's by then so might be on the pull on my own! Oh well eh!
Haha, the Thomas Cook bar crawl!! I did that but must have been the week before your one! With the yellow and blue t-shirts?? I couldn't even remember if i'd finished it when i woke up in the morning! All i know is that i finished the night by swimming in the sea in my underwear

So i must have been absolutely wasted!!!! Then sum1 stole my skirt and flip-flops so i was kinda screwed!! But a nice guy said i could have his shorts so i walked home in them, a yellow t-shirt and bare feet! Ouch!!
I think we started your one the week after then moved off to get drunk for cheaper!
The geordie guys must have still been there the 1st week you were, there was 6 of them, duno if they spent much time at the hotel tho?
Woooo, i'm getting so excited for Aug the 2nd!!!
Are you going to be on the Thomas Cook bar crawl again? If you are it'l prob be the same one i'm on!
Carole x:D