We are first time cruisers, My wife has suffered from sea sickness on pleasure boat trips and on cross channel ferries. We cruising on the Sunbird around the med next week. I she likely to get sick on board ? and what advice has anyone to offer.
Thanks Dunco
have been on 3 cruises now and seen a couple of times people with seasickness, best thing is go to ships doctor and he will give you an injection people say its like a miracle
I haven't cruised around the Med, only round the Caribbean and the first time I was a little bit queasy, the second time I was fine and didn't need anything. I would suggest you purchase some sea sickness tablets from Boots what you take an hour before sailing every day. These should suffice however if not then see the doctor although the jabs are supposed to be very effective they do not come cheap!
Reception usually has free sea-sick tablets and you can pay for an injection if that doesn't work. You should find the boat to be very stable, unless you are unlucky with a rough day.
They usually travel very well - no problem with planes etc but I would just like to be prepared.
Might be worth checking with a chemist and taking junior ones - we gave our son's the ship's tablets, but they are older.
I have been on three cruises now and the first one I went on I was really bad on the first morning with Sea Sickness. My advise to anybody on this subject is get the injection from the ship's doctor. After half and hour of having the injection I was fine, I was able to eat my breakfast and felt great. I think it was about £30 but it was the best money spent. I have not suffered again since.
Have a good cruise !
Sorry can't help with that, it was £65 on Ocean Village, scandalous
I get travel sick too, mainly in cars. I'm hoping i'll be alright on board, certainly don't want an injection!
We've been cruising three times now - Sundream and Carousel both about 25000 tons and the Constellation - about 90000 tons, and would say that the bigger the boat, the less you feel the motion. I'm terrible with motion sickness in cars and on pleasure boats but I only once felt queasy cruising - and that was on a very rough day when we were making up time going really fast!!. The advice I've read is to try to get a cabin in the middle of the ship where the motion is less (front is worst, back not so bad) and if you feel bad just to lie down for a while (it worked for me, after an hour it had passed). My GP had given me Phenergan to take with me in case I suffered sea sickness but the box is still unopened three cruises later (they are suitable for children too I believe and it does come in a syrup if you can't swallow tablets). Hope this helps - I'm sure, like me, you'll find it just doesn't happen on a big ship and you'll have a marvellous time - cruising's wonderful!!
Reception usually has free sea-sick tablets
They were free on some cruises we've been on, but not on any of the Airtours ships. They charged £5.00/box whether you got them at the Purser's desk or in the shop.
Hubby usually has one night of sea sickness. I've only been affected once. I got the injection and to be honest, it didn't help me much, possibly because it wasn't administered properly. 40% of the ship were down with it (Canaries cruise) and the doctor was out visiting people in their cabins. Our cabin was near the medical centre so I dragged myself there, the nurse gave me the injection and she drew enough blood to badly stain my underwear so I now wonder if I actually got any of the active ingredient for my £30.
Since then we have always taken Sturgeron tablets with us. This is what the crew take when they need to. If we think it is going to be rough hubby will take them an hour before sailing and he hasn't had a problem since, not even through the notorius Bay of Biscay.
The crew know which legs of the voyage may cause problems so it is worth having a word. It doesn't have to be very rough, a gentle roll combined with a head wind on the crossing from Lanzarote to Agadir was enough.
I wouldn't worry about it, especially in the Med, just be prepared and you'll be fine. It didn't stop hubby cruising no matter how many times he was sick!
Seriously though the jab on OV is very expensive as we were there March / April around the Caribbean and I would only have this as a last resort. I actually did not feel sick once on board so can only imagine that it has fantastic stabilisers??

I have suffered from car and sea sickness all my life, I went on my first cruise last June, and couldn't belive it. I was absolutley fine, until we went on an excursion and I felt sick on the coach.
If you take some tablets with you just incase, and wait and see how you feel when you get on board. Hopefully you will be ok. Fingers crossed.

the best thing for seasickness is ginger taken raw if poss and flat coke and if all else fails an injection.The ship you have mentioned is quite small so you will feel the roll or swirl more unless it has really good stabilisers, but usually the med is ok after june and before september. Ocean Village is a far bigger ship and has stabilisers.
Hi I have just booked a cruise for 2006 - yes thats right 2006!!! and I am a little apprehensive as I sometimes suffer from sea sickness.
For our first cruise we were advised to get a cabin midships, ie as close to the centre of the ship as possible. That doesn't help much when you're walking around the ship though.
Hubby was sick once on every cruise until he started taking Stugeron tablets about an hour before sailing and has had no problems since.
I've suffered once and opted for the injection from the ship's nurse, but it didn't have the miraculous effect I'd read of other people having.

Can you buy the Stugeron tablets or do you have to get from Doctors?
I am having a trial run on a weekender on the Adonia in April -

Kath HT Admin
You can buy Stugeron over the counter from the chemist, or if you have a nice pharmacist like mine you can ask for them by their generic name of cinnarizine at a fraction of the cost. Best to check if there will be any interaction if you are on prescription medication as with any over the counter medicine.
The beauty of these is that you don't need to take them with water. You can chew them as they are totally tasteless and they get into your system quicker that way.

Thanks for that Luci!

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