Following on from a discussion in the Rhodes forum about AI hotels taking a lot of custom from local bar owners.
With the major British tour operators moving more and more towards the AI & HB big hotels, what are everyones thoughts on this, and are you an AI or a SC holidaymaker?
I'll start. Self Catering for us every time, even more so in Greece. In my opinion, SC studios, or small B&B hotels have most things that the big AI hotels do. Also, I find you get a more personal touch, where as in the big AI hotels, your one of many hundreds, and just a room number. On a SC holiday, you can try all the different tavernas and bars for all your meals and drinks. If your on AI, you feel obliged to have everything on offer. We went AI last year in a 5* hotel to Egypt's Red Sea. Without going into great detail, that was the first and last time. We also went Half Board to Pefkos, Rhodes a couple of years ago. Ended up eating out every evening bar 1.
I realise no 2 people are the same, and some may prefer AI to SC.
So, what type of Greek holiday do you prefer, and why?
Warning.. this is an emotive subject past discussions had to be terminated.... i will be watching closely foe any problems
Just to be awkward, I will split the difference again. We use to go SC but have found that it works out cheaper if you go B & B. As with SC you get more of an opportunity to sample the local cuisine in the different Tavernas and you're not tied to designated meal times. With AI, because you've paid for all your meals, you feel obligated to making sure you get your monies worth, plus you are less likely to wander off the complex or Hotel Grounds and explore your surroundings than what you would in SC or B & B.
Self catering or B&B every time in Greece.... we've done AI in Egypt, Dominican and Morocco because we weren't sure about eating out but to be honest i get sick of the sight of the hotel restaurants and bars after a few days.... also after dinner theres nothing much to do other than watch a show and drink.. we much prefer the freedom to choose what to eat/when to eat and where to eat that SC or BB gives... BUT we are a young couple and I'm sure that if/when we have kids then AI may be tempting as it allows the kids to eat/drink and take part in activites ???

Each to their own, whatever they prefer, there are plus and minus points for all board basis.
Quick, close it now Wizard before it all kicks off again

I am hoping

however it it starts to turn political or in any way nasty then have no fear the whole topic will be deleted


We always go self catering in Greece have done half board in Tunisia and i must say my personal preference is self catering
one man's meat etc
i agree

we prefer to go half board wherever we go, this gives us what we require from a holiday, food if we want to stay around the hotel, but also gives us the option of going out to local taverns for out drinks and the odd meals, as the difference in cost is negligible i don't feel obliged to hang around the hotel 24/7 to get my moneys worth as one might say.
hotels and tour operators only offer what the punter wants.. if you do fine if you don't who cares as long as you/we can enjoy our holidays in Greece or wherever you chose
Anyway, back to the subject. Yes, as people have said, everyone to their own, as long as you have a good holiday

I was browsing the main tour operators brochures, and noticed (well my wife did to be honest) that there seemed to be more big hotels popping up in Greece, and wondered if that was the way the tour operators, and holidaymakers are going nowerdays.
I prefer the freedom of Self Catering. Every apartment I have booked has had a fridge and limited cooking facilities. We don't cook but it is nice getting fresh fruit and veg and making nice salads.
We are a 50+ couple who used to take our kids and it's SC for us. We went to a lovely 4* hotel in Croatia a couple of years ago which was a nice change but it gets a bit monotonous during the second week.
We love Greece and like to support the local taverna owners.
I think in some of these AI places you could be anywhere in the world. Where is the local character? The food is all the same and so are the surroundings. Having said that we've never been able to bring ourselves to actually do it yet. That must be what some people like though. Not having to really think and having a total chill. Good job we don't all like the same I suppose.
I do think maybe a lot of the tour operators are offering big hotels etc. Personally I would run in the opposite direction.
I think a lot of people are now doing DIY holidays and booking the smaller studios/apartment type places direct with the owners. The demand for these is maybe not there with the TOs. We have done that this year. Flights with Thomson to Chania and a two-centre holiday with the accommodation booked separately on t'internet, one directly with the Greek owner. Hopefully it will be fine.
NIce to hear other people's views.
Yiamass, Jean
I think in some of these AI places you could be anywhere in the world. Where is the local character? The food is all the same and so are the surroundings. Having said that we've never been able to bring ourselves to actually do it yet.
Yes some of the larger hotel chains only offer international style food [and the occasinal local dish] as we tend to use the smaller family hotels we have sat at the bar hearing quite a few moan because they had all local dishes and no chips in sight
I think Greecelover summed up my thoughts too. Part of my reason for going to Greece is to experience the local culture and family run establishments in smaller resorts, where we get a genuine, friendly welcome. We like to do our own thing in our own time and don't require entertainment. We like the advantage of our own kitchen and a fridge for chilled drinks, even if we don't do any cooking. We can enjoy a leisurely breakfast, hopefully on a balcony with a great view, without having to get dressed to go down to the restaurant and we have our choice of tavernas in the evening - a good meal with a harbour view, followed by a gentle stroll and a few drinks suits us fine. We enjoy local Greek dishes, cooked by Mamma in the kitchen and served by her sons or daughters while grandad keeps an eye on their children, playing nearby. Each to their own but the large impersonal hotels or complexes do not hold any attraction for me and as has been said before, could be almost anywhere.
I think Greecelover summed up my thoughts too. Part of my reason for going to Greece is to experience the local culture and family run establishments in smaller resorts, where we get a genuine, friendly welcome. We like to do our own thing in our own time and don't require entertainment. We like the advantage of our own kitchen and a fridge for chilled drinks, even if we don't do any cooking. We can enjoy a leisurely breakfast, hopefully on a balcony with a great view, without having to get dressed to go down to the restaurant and we have our choice of tavernas in the evening - a good meal with a harbour view, followed by a gentle stroll and a few drinks suits us fine. We enjoy local Greek dishes, cooked by Mamma in the kitchen and served by her sons or daughters while grandad keeps an eye on their children, playing nearby.
If I wasn't sober, I'd swear I posted that. Excellent post and us to a T
I also think that once you're in the AI complex you lose the "feel" of the country. Well this is my experience of the 3 AI's I've done. We could have been in any country. The staff are normally employed from outside the area and the food isn't particularly local.
SC or B&B gets my vote.
After that first few days we love to get out and about, usually heading off to a taxi rank first and asking the driver to take us to a decent taverna where locals are to be found. It's Kos for us this year, for the first time, and fully expect to do a lot more of the same.
A/I does cost the locals their livelihoods, but I still want them to be there the next time we visit - maybe 3 or 4 years later.
Met some lovely folk in Crete, Rhodes and Cyprus who still remembered us even after that length of time. And yes, money does come into it for us, I just don't want to leave any behind!

I would also do self catering in Greece... to many lovely greek dishes to try
Has to be Self Catering in Greece, half the fun is taking a leisurely stroll trying to decide which Taverna to eat in.
half the fun is taking a leisurely stroll trying to decide which Taverna to eat in.
Very true, and if the foods not that good in one, then just don't go back to that one. If your on HB or AI then you've already paid for your meal, and are sort of stuck.

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