I have not been to Egypt at all before and was wondering a few things. I have searched before posting but can't find the answers for my queries so if this is a repeat can you point me in the right direction?

We are thinking of going to the Hilton at Sharks Bay. (We dont want to be right in the middle of Sharm) but were wondering a few things.....
1. Is it ok to stroll around this area (eg outside the hotel) for walks and stuff in the evenings as we do like a stroll after dinner etc?
2. Which dive school is based at this hotel (read a few things and there have been two companies mentioned - Emperor and Sinai??) Ive got my Advanced open water and boyfriend is a beginner (he may either learn at home or do all the study/training here and then do the dives as a referral) so we would want to use the dive people at the hotel due to convenience.
3. If I dont do the sea view to keep the price down (£112 each extra with Portland) are the surroundings not sea view ok? (as I would still have a balcony but not sea view)
4. Portland seem to be quite a good price, does anybody know of anybody cheaper?

5. I love airports and planes greatly and know the airport is behind the hotel (from a map from another link on the site) so if there is any noise this does not bother me but was wondering if you see/hear planes from the hotel? (as the reviews don't really mention this).
I appreciate any comments or help and have found some old links about the area/hotel etc and love reading them as doing the research for hols is fun!
